Tuesday, April 29, 2008

English French Talking Tool

One of my friends used it before he gone to French last year. She used ProLingo English French Talking Dictionary to study French, and the effect is quite satisfied.

With ProLingo English French Talking Dictionary, you can learn most available words and slang words. Also, it will add new word definition and articles. Of course, it has audio pronunciation in five voices. It offers great solution for novice and experienced skill levels for different people.

Features of ProLingo English French Talking Dictionary:

- Fast browsing

- System tray launch

- Context menu extension

- Add new word definition and article

- Lookup history Registered version benefits: - Free additional language packs

- Free new version release update

- Sign up to receive a range of FREE e-newsletters and alerts

- Access to the online issue support database

- Audio pronunciation module

- Free support Minimum System Requirements:

- Windows ME Recommended System Requirements:

- Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT

Enjoy your French study life with ProLingo English French Talking Dictionary!

Windows Vista Ready!

Your garden looks green. TOO green in my opinion. Did you ever consider blossoming plants, or plants with differnt leaf colors? I have some suggestions for you.

First, try some different sorts of ivy. Some ivy sorts have yellow-shaded leaves. And you should plant some vines, too, be it the decorative ones which don't grow grapes in fall, or the real ones. Anyway, their leaves will be red then, and mixed with the plants you already have, that'll be a perfect color scheme.

Windows Vista Ready!ProLingo English French Talking Dictionary Includes Slang words. ProLingo English French Talking Dictionary Includes Audio pronunciation in 5 voices. ProLingo English French Talking Dictionary contains most of available words and is great solution same as for novice and experienced skill levels. ProLingo English French Talking Dictionary's features: - Fast browsing - System tray launch - Context menu extension - Add new word definition and article - Lookup history Registered version benefits: - Free additional language packs - Free new version release update - Sign up to receive a range of FREE e-newsletters and alerts - Access to the online issue support database - Audio pronunciation module -ProLingo English French Talking Dictionary free support Minimum System Requirements: - Windows ME Recommended System Requirements: - Windows Vista - Windows XP - Windows 2000 - Windows NT.

Thanks for all the great suggestions - now let's get out there and grow!

How does your urban garden grow?

In my last blog entry, I talked about spring cleaning your interior spaces. So this time around I thought I'd tackle the great outdoors. Or in my case, the lack of great outdoors.

Spring is indeed a time for new growth, and I'd love nothing more than to surround myself in green, flowering things. But my front yard is concrete, I don't have a backyard or deck, and my apartment boasts only two small, incredibly dingy windows, which spend the better part of the day shaded by the large brownstone across the street. It is clearly not the optimal scenario for growing things. What's a frustrated urban gardener to do?

It looks like a lot of you aspiring green thumbs have similar restrictions, but are making it work. I've unearthed tons of fertile advice from Answers users on using containers to grow vegetables, herbs, and even edible flowers.

Some urbanites live in such close quarters that the only place to "grow" is up … on the roof, that is. and green roofs are springing up all over metropolitan areas, and could even possibly help to save energy and keep buildings cooler.

Of course, if you don't even have access to a roof, there are plenty of options for bringing a bit of spring to the tiniest indoor space. Birdie_001, for example, shares a method for forcing bulbs in a dish, and Valkyrie's question elicits some great ideas about creating a plant terrarium.

For my situation, window planter boxes seem like the best way to go. Apparently, there are many plant varieties that thrive in window boxes, even veggies and herbs, so I'll have lots to choose from.

And I think I'll take HelloLPN's advice and add a coat of varnish to the inside of the boxes to help prevent rotting, especially through the moist and muggy New York summer. Garden Doc MG also shared a great tip about using polymers in the soil to help keep my plants hydrated even when I'm less than diligent about my watering schedule.

Thanks for all the great suggestions - now let's get out there and grow!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Mansion House

Mansion House is in the heart of the City, near the Bank of England and Royal Exchange. It was built between 1739 and 1753 by George Dance the Elder, and is the official home of the Lord Mayor of London.

Mansion House is built of Portland Stone and has half-a-dozen Corinthian columns on the front. On top of the columns is a pediment detailing scenes from London and the history of the Thames.

The banqueting room is also known as the 'Egyptian Hall', because its blueprint was based on a pharaoh's house, published by Marcus Pollio in the first century BC.

Lord Mayor of London

The first Lord Mayor of London was chosen by King William II in 1189, and his name was Henry Fitzailwyn. It wasn't until 1215 that the City got to choose their own.

The voters were selected from the various livery guilds that represented the main trades in town. The twelve original guilds were as follows: Mercers, Grocers, Drapers, Fishmongers, Goldsmiths, Skinners, Merchant Tailors, Haberdashers, Salters, Ironmongers, Vintners and Clothworkers. Many more have been added down the years - the latest one being 'Information Technicians' in 1992.

This very same vote still takes place today, on the 29th September every year (Michaelmas Day). The winner gets an entry to the Privy Council, and theoretical access to the King or Queen. (This aspect of the role, however, has been much diluted down the years, and the Mayor has no political power.)

Two days after his swearing in the Mayor holds a grand banquet at Guildhall, attended by political figures in Westminster. It has become customary in recent years for the Prime Minister to deliver a speech at this event outlining Britain's place in world affairs.

[N.B.: It should be noted that the Lord Mayor is not the same post as the Mayor of London. The Lord Mayor just deals with the Square Mile, but the other one watches over the entire expanse of Greater London.]

NO.1 software to watch TV on computer

Have you been tired of advertisements on TV which disturb your attention and interests? TV Software can help you say goodbye to advertisements.

TV Software is the best available software online today to watch thousands of satellite movies and listen to radio channels all over the globe. This software is being offered at the lowest possible price, with guaranteed maximum quality. With over 3000 channels, quality and quantity is here.

The full version software package comes with an automatic membership can receive all the stations. TV Software allows you to capture your channels from every location in the world. This makes it great when you download it to your laptop. As long as you have Internet access, you can plug in and watch.

TV Software has been in development for many years, and has been revamped by experts from major software corporations. With hundreds of thousands of dollars of research and development put into this software, it is indeed the fastest, easiest and most cost effective way to view international television in today's high paced environment.

Why it is NO.1:

1. Watch over 3000 satellite channels

2. Can be used from anywhere in the world

3. User friendly interface

4. Compatible with all versions of Windows

5. No extra hardware or TV card required

6. More than one million satisfied users

7. Free 24/7 technical support

Enjoy your life from now on!

Smart Apple iPod tips and techniques

I know that almost everyone and anyone that I know seem to have bought an iPod or at least is thinking of getting an ipod for themselves or their loved ones. Well. I'm the same! The iPod is just so alluring! However, I don't know what I should do after buying the iPod.

Most people don't. I surf the internet and find that yet, market analysts estimate that the average iPod owner spend as much as 30% of the original iPod price on additional accessories! That's a whopping US$60-US$90 on iPod accessories that each iPod owner will spend!

There is some related information about this problem. I got it from

Get the Basic iPod Accessory before getting the Fancy Stuff!

Despite the technical and cosmetic superiority of the Apple iPod, there remain some teething issues. Weak batteries is one. Being easily scratched is another. These problems immediately lower the resale or trade-in value of the iPod, if any? This may not seem important but if you are trading in your older iPod for a new one, this does matter. It also sucks to see scratches and marks on the beautiful iPod. In fact, microscopic scratches takes place everytime you take the iPod in and out of pocket!

Get a good-quality iPod case before ANYTHING ELSE!

There are numerous iPod accessories out there. Many accessories are fanciful, some are good but most do not fulfil the basic need of the iPod. You need to protect the iPod from getting scratches and accidental marks before anything else.

Before the iPod can serve you well, it must be able to take care of itself. So, before you even look further into getting your first iPod accessory or even if you have gotten numerous other accessories, make sure you first equip your iPod with either a good quality case or sleeve.

Ask Mike: Reality Bites… Or Does It?

Complaining about reality TV shows has become as clichéd as the shows themselves. We all know they're lame, but we love 'em anyway. Let's just accept it. In the interest of paying tribute to the much maligned genre, I asked the Answers community for help in tracking down the first of the species.

Now, keep in mind that I'm talking about "reality shows." Game shows like "Jeopardy" or "Let's Make a Deal" don't count. The show should focus on real people in real(ish) situations. All clear? Good.

As a kid, I remember watching "The Real World," and thinking there was nothing else really like it. Was the MTV show the first of its kind?

Maybe, maybe not. Several folks who responded to my question wrote that "Cops" is the first true reality show. It took actual police officers, followed them around in their cars, and watched them arrest people. If that ain't reality I don't know what is.

A few other responders mentioned a show I'd never heard of called "An American Family." PBS ran it in 1973. Community member EJ writes that the show "was unusual in its focus on a seemingly mundane family named the Louds, who harbored sensational secrets." Other folks believe the title belongs to "Candid Camera," while several others mention "The Real World."

There may not be an easy answer to this one. After all reality is in the eye of the beholder. Some shows that claim to be "real" are as scripted as "The Cosby Show."

Let's say you were going to produce your own reality show? What would it be about? What would you call it? Would it have a positive aspect or be complete exploitation? I'd love to hear from you, so leave a comment below.

Health Tip: Drug and Food Interactions

Many medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, can negatively interact with foods, supplements or other drugs.

Here are guidelines to help prevent food-drug interactions, courtesy of the American Academy of Family Physicians:

Check prescription and over-the-counter drug labels to see if they contain any warnings.

Follow directions on all medications carefully.

Unless you get your doctor's OK, never break up pills and mix them with food, and never empty capsules into food.

Take medications with a whole glass of water, unless your doctor has given you other instructions. Never take medications with alcohol.

Don't take your medications at the same time as you take vitamins or dietary supplements.

Don't mix medications in a hot drink, as the heat may affect the medication.

The fastest, easiest and most cost effective way to view international television!!!!!

I really look forward to weekends. Not because I have big plans - no social activities, hobbies, or day trips. I'm just happy to do nothing at all. Well, at least nothing more than read a good book, walk my dog, or work on crossword puzzles.

TV Software is the best available software online today to watch thousands of satellite movies and listen to radio channels from all over the globe. TV Software is being offered at the lowest possible price, with guaranteed maximum quality. With over 3000 channels, quality and quantity is here.

The full version software package comes with an automatic membership to receive all the stations.

TV Software allows you to capture your channels from any location in the world. This makes TV Software great when you download it to your laptop. As long as you have Internet access, you can plug in and watch. Our product has been in development for many years, and has been revamped by experts from major software corporations. With hundreds of thousands of dollars of research and development put into this product, TV Software is indeed the fastest, easiest and most cost effective way to view international television in todays high paced environment.

Why we are #1:

1. Watch over 3000 satellite channels

2. Can be used from anywhere in the world

3. User friendly interface

4. Compatible with all versions of Windows

5. No extra hardware or TV card required

6. More than one million satisfied users

7. Free 24/7 technical support

Reliable guard to my computer

I have used Shield Deluxe 2008 - Antivirus & Anti-Spyware for almost two months. And I find that it is a reliable guard to my computer. It can defend virus attacking to my computer. So I want to share it with all the people who are having trouble of virus.

The Shield Deluxe 2008 combines reactive antivirus and spyware detection methods with the latest proactive technologies to provide your computer with the most effective protection against malicious programs. The product is simple to install and set up, while offering advanced users a range of versatile settings for fine-tuning the program.

Combined Antivirus Technologies.

The Shield Deluxe 2008, powered by Kaspersky Antivirus 6.0 relies upon integrated methods to scan for viruses: the reactive method (using signature databases) and proactive protection (behavior blocker and heuristic analysis).

Optimized for Use on Laptops.

Users of laptops benefit from an economy mode that conserves battery energy, while users of WiFi (wireless) Internet services can automatically update antivirus databases. The Shield Deluxe 2008 has been optimized for use on laptops based on Intel Centrino mobile technology, and for use on computers with Intel processors that support Hyper-Threading technology.

Simplicity and Convenience.

The Shield Deluxe 2008 is installed and set up in a matter of minutes, while the context-sensitive help function helps users quickly understand the finer points of the program's capabilities. Moreover, the program regularly notifies users of its current protection status and gives recommendations for dealing with virus epidemics and potential threats.

PCSecurityShield provides free technical support for The Shield Deluxe customers as well as all PCSecurityShield products. The Shield Deluxe 2008 is Vista Compatible.

Antivirus Protection for Email.

TheShield Deluxe 2008 scans email traffic for viruses according to the protocol via which it is sent (POP3, IMAP and NNTP for incoming mail and SMTP for outgoing mail) on any mail program, while plug-ins and treatment for viruses in Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express mail databases are offered.

Proactive Protection

Control over changes in the file system. With TheShield Deluxe 2008 it is possible to compile lists of applications, the component structure of which will be controlled, thus helping to prevent malicious programs from undermining the integrity of the application.

If you are in trouble of virus, you can download Shield Deluxe 2008 - Antivirus & Anti-Spyware to protect your computer.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Change of Heart

Grandma got Grandpa out of bed and helped him to the kitchen for breakfast. After his meal, she led him to his armchair in the living room where he would rest while she cleaned the dishes. Every so often, she would check to seee if he needed anything.

This was their daily routine after Grandpa's latest stroke. Although once a vry active man, his severely damaged left arm, difficulty walking and slurred speech now kept him housebound. For nearly a year he hadn't even been to church or to visit family.

Grandpa filled his hours with television. He watched the news and game shows while Grandma went about her day. They made a pact-he was not to leave his chair or his bed without her assistance.

"If you fell and I threw my back out trying to help you, who would take care of us?" Grandma would ask him. She was adamant about their taking care of themselves and living independently.

The Brooklyn brownstone had been their first home and held wonderful memories. They weren't ready to leave it behind anytime soon.

Immigrants from Ireland, they met and married in America. Grandma was friendly, outgoing and unselfish; Grandpa was reserved, a man devoted to his family. But he wasn't big on giving gifts. While he wouldn't think twice about giving my grandma the shirt off his back, he subscribed to the belief that if you treated your wife well throughout the year, presents weren't necessary; so he rarely purchased gifts for her.

This had been a sore point in the early days of their marriage. But as years passed, Grandma realized what a good man he was. And, after all, anything she wanted she was free to buy herself.

It was a cold, gray February morning, a typical winter day in New York. As always, Grandma walked Grandpa to his chair.

"I'm going to take a shower now." She handed him the television remote. "If you need anything, I'll be back in a little while."

After her shower, she glanced towards the back of Grandpa's recliner but noticed that his cane was not leaning in its usual spot. Sensing something odd, she walked toward the recliner. He was gone. The closet door stood open and his hat and overcoat were missing. Fear ran down her spine.

Grandma threw a coat over her bathrobe and ran outside. He couldn't have gotten far; he could barely walk on his own.

Desperately, she scanned the block in both directions. Small mounds of snow and ice coated the sidewalks. Walking safely would be difficult for people who were steady on their feet, much less someone in Grandpa's condition.

Where could he be? Why would he leave the house all by himself?

Wringing her hands, she hardly felt the frigid air as she watched traffic rush by. She recalled overhearing him tell one of their grandchildren recently that he felt he was a "burden." Until this last year, he had been strong and healthy; now he couldn't even perform the simplest of tasks.

As she stood alone on the street corner, guilt flooded her.

Just then, Grandpa walked around the bend of the corner. Head bowed, eyes focused on the sidewalk, he took small, cautious steps. His overcoat barely draped the shoulder of his bad arm; his cane and a package filled his good arm.

Desperate to reach him, Grandma raced down the block. Relieved to see that he was okay, she started to scold.

"I only left you alone for a short while. What did you need so badly that couldn't wait? I was so worried about you! What on earth was so important?"

Confused and curious, she reached into the brown bag. Before Grandpa had a chance to explain, she pulled out a heart-shaped box.

"It's Valentine's Day," Grandpa explained. "I thought you might like a box of chocolates."

A gift? All this worry for . . . candy?

"I haven't bought you a gift in a long, long time." His stroke-impaired words warmed the winter wind.

Tears flooded Grandma's eyes as she hugged his arm to her chest and led Grandpa back home.

She shook her head slowly.

It just goes to show, she thought, it's never too late for romance.

Talk about the features of Spotmau PowerSuite Professional 2008

Have you heard Spotmau PowerSuite Professional 2008?Do you know Spotmau PowerSuite Professional 2008 is a must-have toolkit providing all essential utilities for every PC owner? If you don't have one,you should buy it at once. You and your PC would benefit a lot Here I would like to talk about the features of Spotmau PowerSuite Professional 2008 with you!

Spotmau PowerSuite Professional 2008 includes a lot of features .For example, Windows Backup & Restore backup, Windows Recovery, Windows Doctor, Password & Key Finder, BIOS/CMOS Password Recovery, Security & Privacy, Data Transfer, and partition management tool are the main features.

Spotmau PowerSuite Professional 2008 can recover the damaged Windows when the system crashes, or recover registry when the registry crashes, or recover partition when the partition crashes;

Windows Recovery can recover the corrupt Windows such as lost files recovery, partition table recovery and so on;

Windows Doctor provides Step by Step Guide to speedup your PC. Such as Windows Speedup, Smart Uninstall, IE Manager, Startup Manager and so on;

Find your lost password for Email, MSN, IE and find your Windows, Office and IE product or CD keys;

Find or clear BIOS/CMOS password;

Clear up all your activity records in your computer to protect your privacy; shred unwanted sensitive data permanently from your hard disk; enable you to encrypt folders to protect your private files from being viewed by others;

Before Windows reinstallation,it can backup your personal data and transfer your files to the removable media/devices, or to a second, undamaged internal hard disk;

Permanently deletes all data from the hard disk or a certain partition to prevent others recovering your sensitive data;

Create/delete/format your partitions; resize/move/split/merge your partitions; hide/unhide your partitions.

Spotmau PowerSuite Professional 2008 is the most useful CD that you will ever use. With this tool, even a PC beginner can become a hard disk specialist in half an hour!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I like tasting all kinds of delicious food.

I like tasting all kinds of delicious food.I'd like to have a try

Few days ago, my friend treat me dinner in a South Korea restaurant. I find the food is

very very yummy. So I'd like to say something about South Korean food.


Because Korea has four distinct seasons, fresh vegetables are not always readily available,

especially during the winter months. It is this reason that led to the development of kimch'i,

which is without a doubt, the most famous of Korean cuisine. Kimch'i is a condiment that

is served with every meal. Information, literature, materials, and equipment related to

kimch'i from ancient times to the present is preserved and exhibited at the Myongga

Kimch'i Museum.

Kimch'i is a traditional fermented vegetable dish which is the most basic side dish at

every Korean meal. The fermentation of the different vegetables used, complemented by

salted fish and other seasonings, gives it a unique flavour. Kimch'i can be preserved for

a long time and was originally put in a clay pot and buried in the fall to allow it to ferment

for use throughout the winter months. Its hot and spicey taste is said to stimulate the

appetite. It is a nutritious dish, providing vitamins, lactic acid and minerals, otherwise

lacking in the winter diet.

I’m very happy with my purchase!!!!

Today I went to my sister home. My sister would love to collect many music video DVDs, I have been looking at a very useful software for her. I have got a software that helps her fast rip DVD to all popular video and audio formats with ease.

ImTOO MPEG to DVD Converter is a fast and easy to use MPEG to DVD burner and MPEG to DVD converter. You can convert MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4, MP4 to DVD and burn them on DVD which can play on home DVD player. ImTOO MPEG to DVD Converter provides many brilliant DVD menus for your DVD authoring, supports DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW and DVD+RW. It is so easy to use and fast that just one click is enough to convert MPEG to DVD and burn DVD! ImTOO MPEG to DVD Converter allows you to specify NTSC or PAL format, adjust 4:3 or 16:9 video aspect, and burn either DVD disc or ISO file to give you excellent quality on TV screen. ImTOO MPEG to DVD Converter is the most powerful all in one video file converter on the planet. This is why I've just bought it. I'm very happy with my purchase. I hope my reviews could be a guide for your choice.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Is it Monday already?

I really look forward to weekends. Not because I have big plans - no social activities, hobbies, or day trips. I'm just happy to do nothing at all. Well, at least nothing more than read a good book, walk my dog, or work on crossword puzzles.

During the week it's hard to find a spare minute to do anything beyond working at my job, taking care of family and pets, shopping for groceries, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, paying bills, running errands, and working out at the gym (unfortunately, that's the first thing to go when I'm pressed for time). Saturday and Sunday are my days to recharge.

But for the last few weekends, my husband, daughter, and I have been freshening up our living space: painting, moving furniture, cleaning out closets, and generally giving everything a good scrub. By the time Monday rolls around, we drag ourselves off to work with a sense of accomplishment, but sore and exhausted. It's worse for my daughter - between school and work, she gets only one day off every week.

Last night, after we washed up the paint brushes and thought about the next round of painting for the coming weekend, I turned to my husband and said, "This is what it's like for people who work two or three jobs - how in the world do they do it? When do they get a break?"

After we thought about how lucky we were, we quit our whining. But the question remains: How do people find the time to rest and recuperate with overloaded schedules?

Sweet Dreams: The Secrets of Sleep

Sleep helps keep you look young and is an important component of a healthy life

Sleep problems account for an estimated $16 billion medical costs annually, while the indirect cost due to lost productivity and other factors probably are much greater, according to the American Sleep Association.

Sleepless nights may cost more than mere money. Satisfying sleep also is a very important component for a healthy life according to Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Michael Roizen, authors of "You: Staying Young, The Owner's Manual for Extending Your Warranty."

The doctors explain why sleep is important and tell you how much you need to get.

Why Sleep Is Important

Your brain needs sleep because it exercises the parts of the brain you don't normally use. Your body needs that downtime to repair and refresh its systems. When people don't sleep for three or more days, they sometimes become psychotic.

Also, lack of sleep is associated with mental decline and overeating, which lead to major aging conditions. It's important because sleep is the single most effective way to increase the amount of growth hormone in your body and growth hormone is what makes us look young.

People who sleep less than six hours a night increase their risk of viral illnesses by 50 percent. They also have an increased risk of heart disease and strokes.

Fast Fact: You'll die sooner of sleep deprivation than of food deprivation.

How Much Sleep You Need

On average men need more sleep. Studies show women need seven hours of sleep each night, while men need seven and a half hours.

Babies need more and older people need less. But those numbers are on average. As you get older, you sleep less because your melatonin level plummets. Melatonin, evolved for us to sense light and dark, as well as changes in the season. It is higher at night and during the winter, which is why cultures that have longer winters sleep more.

But this is a hormone that peaks at age five, the declines 80 percent by age 60. So you'll sleep much less.

Basic Steps To Fall Asleep

First, you have to prepare for sleep. Figure out when you want to get up, and count backwards 7 hours. Then take a 15-minute period before that to start your slowdown process. So that's five minutes finishing up last-minute chores; five minutes of hygiene stuff, like brushing your teeth; and five more minutes to relax into sleep.

Fast Fact: If you've been lying there for 15 minutes and can't fall asleep, don't toss and turn. Get up and do some light activity that will get your mind of trying to sleep, such as a yoga pose, meditation, or a short walk.

Get Ready For Sleep

First of all, avoid alcohol, nicotine, and vigorous exercise for at least an hour and a half before bed. You should avoid caffeine from beverages, food, or pills for at least three hours before bed.

Fast Fact: You can have a glass of warm milk, just like your parents always told you.

What should you do about allergies and congestions that keep you awake?

You should consider a breath strip for your nose. Also, make sure you're addressing problems such as sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome or pain you have to treat these or otherwise they will keep you up.

Also, consider herbal supplements to help you sleep. We recommend valerian root or ginseng root. The recommended doses are valerian root (300mg) or ginseng (200 mg).

Weekend Sleeping Patterns

Get up at the regular time on weekends, plus or minus an hour. Have a standard wakeup time for every day of the week. If you wake up at 6 am Monday through Friday, then sleep until 10am on the weekends, you're giving yourself the equivalent of jet lag.

Have a quick nap later in the day, no longer than 30 minutes. Any longer than that and you go into stage three or four sleep, but not REM sleep. It's a zone that'll leave you groggy and disoriented when you wake up.

Create a Sleep Friendly Environment

You need a cool, dark room because that's what the body likes in order to sleep. That means no distractions in the bedroom like laptops, or televisions. The light is a stimulant and keeps you from falling into sleep. You also should sleep in non-restrictive clothing.

If you're in a loud area, you should consider a white noise machine, which blocks other noises without interfering with sleep.

People also underestimate the importance of a mattress. You should test drive yours at least 15 minutes, checking for comfort, support and heat. Some mattresses trap heat. If you feel hot on the mattress then it's not the right one for you.

Fast Fact: If you have a less expensive mattress, you should flip it every few months.

It meets all my needs of video files!!!!

I had used the Cucusoft Ultimate DVD + Video Converter Suite, it is very good. With this software, I can use my iPod to play music everyday and everywhere. I highly recommend this software. Cucusoft Ultimate DVD + Video Converter Suite It meets all my needs of video files. And the quality of the video conversion is unmatchable. Cucusoft Ultimate DVD + Video Converter Suite converts DVD's and videos to play on almost any portable device including iPod, iPhone, Zune, PSP, video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket P.C., etc. Meanwhile, it can also support output almost any audio/video format including Video format (H264, MP4, WMV, AVI, MOV, RM, 3GP, flv, SWF, mpeg-1, mpeg-2, VCD, SVCD, DVD, etc.) and Audio format (AC3, AAC, MP2, MP3, MP4, RA, WMA, etc.). You can enjoy your Audio/Video life with this all in one Cucusoft Ultimate DVD + Video Converter Suite from now on. It's the most powerful all in one video file converter on the planet.

Cucusoft Ultimate DVD + Video Converter Suite supports almost any video file as input, including DVD, vob, DivX, XviD, MOV, rm, rmvb, MPEG, WMV, AVI, dvr-ms, MP4, TiVo, .mkv etc. to iPod video format. Support splitting output video by DVD chapters, and titles. Support customizes output video file size and video quality. Fully support MTV DVDs and Episodic DVDs. Support customize output video file size and video quality. Support convert DVDs/Video to any video format, including H264, MP4, WMV, AVI, MOV, RM, 3GP, flv, SWF, mpeg1, mpeg2, VideoCD, SuperVideoCD, DVD, etc. Supports customize your own (new) device profiles.

The latest version ofCucusoft Ultimate DVD + Video Converter Suite includes three running modes, the first is "Direct Mode", the second is "Batch Mode" and the last one is "1 Click Mode". "1 Click Mode" means that you just click 1 click to open a DVD, then the rest task will be done automatically. This mode is designed for dummies. With this all-in-one DVD Converter, you can make any your own video from your DVDs.

Best way to backup your favorite DVD movie to your computer

Today is Monday. I'm so lucky that I find a good tool to backup my favorite DVD movies to my computer from http://www.sharewareorder.com/ . It is iSofter DVD Ripper Platinum

iSofter DVD Ripper Platinum is design for backup your favorite DVD movie to your computer by converting DVD to AVI, DivX, XviD, VCD, WMV, MPEG4 format video files, with almost same quality, but just only 10% size.

With optimized profiles, you can convert DVD Movie to iPod Video, Microsoft Zune, Pocket PC, 3GP Mobile Phone or any other MP4 player, such as iRiver, Archos, Creative Zen Vision and more. It also support ripping MTV, music DVD to MP3 audio, you can listen to your favorite movies on your iPod now!

Key features of iSofter DVD Ripper Platinum:

1. Convert DVD Movie to AVI(DivX, XviD...) format.

2. Convert DVD Movie to WMV,ASF format.

3. Convert DVD Audio to MP3/Wav/WMA format.

4. Split DVD by charpters, by Size or by Custom Time.

5. Auto shutdown when completed Copy DVD and Rip DVD.

6. Optimized for P4, Copy DVD and Rip DVD with super high speed.

Wow, I think it is the best way to backup DVD movies to computer!


A few weeks ago I watched a South Korean drama with the name "The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince".

I was deeply impressed with those various fragrant coffee after watching this drama. I do dream

of being an excellent barista one day because I think a cup of fragrant coffee will bring people with

energy and hope. Most of us drink coffee everyday, but few of us know much about coffee itself.

Coffee is a widely consumed stimulant beverage prepared from roasted seeds, commonly

called beans, of the coffee plant. Coffee was first consumed in the 9th century, when it was

discovered in the highlands of Ethiopia. From there, it spread to Egypt and Yemen, and

by the 15th century had reached Persia, Turkey, and northern Africa. From the Muslim world,

coffee spread to Italy, then to the rest of Europe and the Americas. Today, coffee is one of

the most popular beverages worldwide.

Today, I'd like to say someting about the relationship between coffee and health.

Scientific studies have examined the relationship between coffee consumption and an array

of medical conditions. Most studies are contradictory as to whether coffee has any specific

health benefits, and results are similarly conflicting regarding negative effects of coffee


Coffee appears to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, heart

disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, cirrhosis of the liver, and gout. Some health effects are

due to the caffeine content of coffee, as the benefits are only observed in those who drink

caffeinated coffee, while others appear to be due to other components. For example, the

antioxidants in coffee prevent free radicals from causing cell damage.

Coffee's negative health effects are mostly due to its caffeine content. Research suggests

that drinking caffeinated coffee can cause a temporary increase in the stiffening of arterial

walls. Excess coffee consumption may lead to a magnesium deficiency or hypomagnesaemia,

and may be a risk factor for coronary heart disease. Some studies suggest that it may have

a mixed effect on short-term memory, by improving it when the information to be recalled is

related to the current train of thought, but making it more difficult to recall unrelated information.

Nevertheless, the mainstream view of medical experts is that drinking three 8-ounce

(236 ml) cups of coffee per day (considered average or moderate consumption) does not

have significant health risks for adults.


Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.

Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing appetite for what's next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart, there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, courage and power from man and from the infinite, so long as you are young.

When your aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you've grown old, even at 20; but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there's hope you may die young at 80.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Aplus Video To iPod Converter is my favorite !

Hello,ladies and gentlemen! Glad to see you! It's fine today! But I am a little disappointed, because I can't find the best converter .I have used many kinds of video converters to convert my favorite videos to my iPod.Plus Video to iPod Converter is the one I have tried recently. Well, it does a rather good work. Many of my friends now are using it to convert videos into iPod, iPhone, Apple TV. It is really convenient.

Aplus Video to iPod Converter can convert almost all kinds of video files such as flash video, flv video, youtube's video, rm, divx, xvid, avi, wmv, asf, mpg, mpeg, vob, mov, qt, vcd, svcd to iPod mp4 videos, iPhone mp4 videos, Apple TV mp4 videos format. Already have great movies you want to play on your iPod, iPhone, Apple TV? No Problem! It helps you easily convert them to a format that iPod, iPhone, Apple TV understands. And you will watch your own video on our iPod, iPhone, Apple TV anytime anywhere.

It is really smart software that just a few clicks complete the task of converting a video to iPod! And automatically detects your hardware configuration and decide an optimized conversion scheme. It also supports Automatically Shut down your computer after the long conversion done. That means you can just go to sleep, while letting your computer do all the jobs and automatically shutdown when all jobs are done. And its preview display enables you to watch the whole converting process, making the Converting time enjoyable!

Key Features of Aplus Video to iPod Converter:

●.Support wmv, asf to ipod mp4.

●.Support mov, qt to ipod mp4.

●.Support rm, rmvb to ipod mp4.

●.Support mpg, mpeg, vob, vcd, svcd to ipod mp4.

●.Support avi, divx, xvid to ipod mp4.

●.Conversion speed is 2 times of the playback speed.

●.Set the start position and end position of source file to convert.

●.Support many predefined profile setting for ipod video.

●.Customize the quality of output ipod video.

●.Automatically shut down your computer after long time conversion, such as for big files conversion at midnight.

●.Automatically adds output ipod files to iTunes after conversion.

●.Best quality: the support for the latest industry standards ensures the videos you create with best picture and audio quality.

●.User-friendly interface: without any complicated settings.

●.Hardware auto-detect: Automatically detect your hardware and decide the best converting speed.

●.Its preview display enables you to observe the whole converting process, making the Converting time enjoyable!

With Aplus Video to iPod converter to all your favorite movies in your pocket and watching them anywhere, doesn't it make you exciting?

Enjoy it! Have a try! Good Luck!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My feeling of the game Escape the Museum

In some status, Escape the Museum is like puzzle game Azada, which you adventure in the plot, and have to answer the puzzles to pass.

Escape the Museum is an utterly fascinating adventure/hidden object game for Windows/Mac that reaches into room escape territory for inspiration. In it, you play as Susan Anderson, a museum curator showing her daughter a dinosaur exhibit when a fierce earthquake rocks the building. Falling debris knocks Susan unconscious, and when she wakes she discovers she's trapped in the room and Caitlin is missing! Find the objects you'll need to reach the exit, and then recover precious museum artifacts as you work on the way through the rubble searching for your daughter.

Theadventure with puzzles game Escape the Museum is coming into their own, ditching the tiring lists of dozens of items to find in favor of shorter seek-and-find experiences everyone can enjoy. Puzzle elements are fairly light but still deliver a good punch, forcing you to scratch your head once or twice, and then quickly rewarding you with the solution. The museum environment feels old and dusty and conveys the post-earthquake feeling extraordinarily well, complete with small rumblings from time to time. The cut scenes are interesting, but I found the voice acting and dialogue a bit too amateurish for my taste, and the "skip" button doesn't progress things fast enough.

Once you complete a task in an area you'll unlock new puzzles that will either open new rooms to explore or new puzzles in places you've already been. The backtracking isn't as exciting as uncovering a new scene, but it's handled well and doesn't feel too stale. All of this makes Escape the Museum a surprisingly long game, nearly twice the length of similar titles! An excellent expedition into the realm of adventure/hidden object hybrids that delivers everything it should in a well-thought out package.

Above all, I like play Escape the Museum!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Adventure in the Museum

This week, I find another adventure game--Escape the Museum. I feel that it is just like Azada or the Dream Chronicles, which are adventure with puzzles in hidden object games.

Escape the Museum is a unique game pulling on the familiar Hidden Object mechanic while building on the casual-friendly Adventure game play. It is an utterly fascinating adventure game for both Windows and Mac that reaches into room escape territory for inspiration.

In Escape the Museum, you play as Susan Anderson, who is a museum curator showing her daughter a dinosaur exhibit when a fierce earthquake rocks the building. Falling debris knocks Susan unconscious, and when she wakes she discovers she's trapped in the room and Caitlin is missing! To find the objects you have to reach the exit, and then recover precious museum artifacts when walking on the way through the rubble searching for her daughter.

Susan is in contact with several co-workers who provide hints via cell phone, telling her which items she'll need to clear a path to the exit. These usually consist of simple assembly puzzles that require you to locate items or item components and use them in the appropriate area to continue. For example, finding a flashlight and then having to locate batteries and a bulb to make it work, all of which are second nature to room escape fans and adventure enthusiasts alike. Once you've reached the exit, another worker asks you to recover precious museum property from the broken exhibits in a seek-and-find-style.

There are two types of item hunting scenes you'll come across in Escape the Museum. The first is the usual "find the list" fare where you have a specified set of items to locate in the rubble. The second is to find ten of a particular item in the scene. Some of the latter puzzles are a bit vague, bordering on the unfair (find ten dinosaur bones in the room with a big dinosaur skeleton?!), but the challenge level is just about right for us casual players.

In addition to puzzle solving and object finding, you'll also complete several jigsaw-style levels where you'll find and piece together precious items within the museum. And what archaeology-flavored experience would be complete without the Indiana Jones-style "grab the item and replace it with something of equal weight" gimmick? Escape the Museum has them all, and they're nicely woven into the story and don't feel too contrived.

To adventure in the Museum! Have fun as Susana!

All-in-one DVD ripping software that rips DVD to all popular video&audio formats!!!

My friend would like collect many music video DVDs, I have been looking at a very useful software for me. I have got a software that helps you fast rip DVD to all popular video and audio formats with ease. I have been looking at a very useful software for me.

ImTOO DVD Ripper Platinum is DVD converter, DVD ripper, DVD rip software to convert DVD, rip DVD to VCD, DVD to DivX, DVD to MPEG, DVD to WMV, DVD to AVI, DVD to WMA, DVD to MP3 easily and quickly with excellent image/sound quality. ImTOO DVD Ripper Platinum is the best DVD ripping software, DVD rip software to convert DVD, rip DVD to all popular video/audio formats. Easy to use DVD converter, DVD rip software with high DVD ripping speed, can rip DVD, convert your favorite DVD movie to all most popular video/audio formats such as DVD to AVI, DivX, MPEG, VCD, MP4, WMV, MP3, WMA, WAV etc. Compared with other DVD converter, ImTOO DVD Ripper Platinum has more settings to customize and it is easier than ever. Whether you are a veteran or beginner, you will feel ImTOO DVD Ripper Platinum software is developed for you to rip DVD movie! Provide you excellent image/sound quality, smaller file size that just a few clicks in DVD rip.

The Gradekeeper has upgraded to Version 6.2.

The Gradekeeper has upgraded to Version 6.2.

The exciting game!!!! I absolutely love this game! It is much like Gold Miner Vegas. Never thought I'd see another game like Gold Miner, but here it is. LOVED it, the hour flew, and I was still fishin' for treasures! All in all, this is a really great and well designed game. Well done!!!!! Gradekeeper is powerful, easy to use gradebook software for Windows, Macintosh, and Mac OS X. Gradekeeper as a paper gradebook, can compute grades, print reports, and even post grades online. When entering grades and attendance you can record grades and attendance for the entire school year. Gradekeeper computes grades, prints reports, does seating charts, and even posts grades online. With the companion applications for your Palm OS or Pocket PC handheld, you can record grades and attendance during class and synchronize with your desktop computer later. Gradekeeper is cheap. A single license is $20. A school license is $100. A district license is $500. If you already have an individual license or your school already has a school license, you can download and install any new version of the program at no additional cost. Simply click the appropriate link. You do not need to enter your name and registration code.

The Gradekeeper has upgraded to Version 6.2.Version 6.2 makes the following improvements: Added Export to SchoolSpeak command. Macintosh application is now a universal binary. If you would like to be notified about new versions when they become available.

The Aimersoft iPhone Converter Suite has upgraded to version 1.0.20!!!

Last week, I went shopping and met my brother. He brought me the Aimersoft iPhone Converter Suite. He said it is suitable for girls so that i intent to try this software. At first i did not use well; time and time again i was interested in the software thoroughly when i am familiar with the software. I think it really can be a good software that you can spend time on. Aimersoft iPhone Converter Suite is an all-in-one iPhone video conversion software solution and the most powerful iPhone converter, which can easily convert all popular video and audio format to iPhone, Apple TV and iPod supported video and audio format.The Aimersoft iPhone Converter Suite supports almost every video format: AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, RM, RMVB, DivX, ASF, 3GP, FLV. It can convert the video format to iPhone Video and Audio format, such as MP4, MP3 and M4A with high speed and support batch conversions and customize video profile. It can convert FLV Format to iPhone and support batch conversions and customize video profile, at the same time support video crop and movie trimming that you can set the start and end of the movie to get the desired segment. The Aimersoft iPhone Converter Suite is a professional video converter that supports various video aspect ratios such as 16:9, 4:3 and full screen. It also allows you to adjust video brightness, contrast, and saturation, audio and apply special effect to video. Using this converter, you may capture and save your favorite movie pictures on your computer as jpeg or bmp files. Very intuitive user interface guides could help you convert DVD to iPhone and convert video to iPhone with just a few clicks to your mouse.The Aimersoft iPhone Converter Suite Aimersoft iPhone Converter Suite has upgraded to version 1.0.20. New Features about version 1.0.20 include: correct AC3 Filter errors; Correct some errors related to video decoding. There is no audio on output files. Fix the issue that original video file of over 2GB size fails to be decoded; Add a new function that automatically saves the custom project on encoding format; Free e-mail technical support, provide the best and quick service for you. I would love to recommend you http://www.sharewareorder.com/ you may get what you need there. I feel lucky; it is very easy to use.

Choosing DVD Audio Ripper, I can enjoy my multimedia life!

I would like collect many music video DVDs and want to save a sound segment from DVD for some certain reasons. I have been looking at a very useful software for me. My friend told me DVD Audio Ripper is a software DVD movie soundtrack ripper that can extract movie soundtracks from DVDs and ripper DVD audio to MP3 or WAV with complete sound effects.

As a DVD audio extractor, DVD Audio Ripper has fast ripping speed which exceeds your expectation, saves your time greatly. The concise interface ensures you can use the DVD to MP3 ripper with ease even for the first time. It helps you extract complete music info from DVD and provides you luxuriant sound effects.Features:1. DVD Audio Ripper provides you luxuriant sound effects - It can extract complete music info from DVDs, and bring you perfect sound effects.2. DVD Audio Ripper can rip DVD movies by chapters - DVD Audio Ripper will auto list all chapters in a DVD, then you can extract sound tracks by chapter easily. If you think it isn't so precise, you also can specify certain time or file size to rip, for example rip DVD to MP3 every 5 minutes or every 5 MB. 3. DVD Audio Ripper supports rename - If you rename chapters, DVD Audio Ripper will save new audio files with those new names.

In conclusion, DVD Audio Ripperis easy to use, fast in speed, excellent in quality and reasonable in price.

My favorite game!!!

Is Finders Keepers game fun? My friend liked to play it and i was thinking about whether i should buy! My friend told me i should have a try and promised to me that i would really love it. I was interested in the game thoroughly when i am familiar with the game. Finders Keepers http://www.azureusgame.com/File-Disk-Management/Finders-Keepers.html is really a very good game. The object of the Finders Keepers game http://www.azureusgame.com/File-Disk-Management/Finders-Keepers.html is to catch valuable items with my trap line, and pull them up to earn money and increase my score. I must achieve the level goal before time runs out. Any extra cash me earn above the level goal carries over to the next level, and helps me reach the next level's goal. Objects range broadly in value and weight, so chose wisely what items i will try to catch. I will not have enough time to catch everything on the level. My line will swing back and forth on its own. Drop the trap line when it is lined up with an object by clicking the mouse below the water's surface. I can also use the down arrow key to drop the line. Placement of the mouse does not control the direction of the trap line. Wait until the trap swings to the angle i want, and then click to drop it. In Finders Keepers i join Floyd Finders and his trusty sidekick Goldie on an aquatic adventure for all ages! Collect treasure, fish and special trinkets to help reunite lost loves, while avoiding trouble from Pirates, Whales, Walruses and Ghosts from the Deep. I highly recommend the Finders Keepers game http://www.azureusgame.com/File-Disk-Management/Finders-Keepers.html. Really surprising, ought to be the first game that really play!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Great ImTOO ripper

Do you like DVD movies? I like very much! ImTOO DVD Ripper Platinum makes my DVD movies life much easy and convenient.

ImTOO DVD Ripper Platinum http://www.sharewareorder.com/Multimedia-Design/Video/ImTOO-DVD-Ripper-Platinum.html , the most powerful DVD rip software to convert DVD movie with great DVD ripping quality, is the BEST DVD converter to convert DVD to all video/audio files, e.g. convert DVD to MPEG, convert DVD to VCD, and convert audio from DVD in the fastest DVD ripping speed.

ImTOO DVD Ripper Platinum http://www.sharewareorder.com/Multimedia-Design/Video/ImTOO-DVD-Ripper-Platinum.html , the most powerful DVD converter.

It can rip DVD to all video/audio files like convert DVD to MPEG, AVI, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264, RM, MOV, M4V, XviD, 3GP, MP3, WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, AAC, AC3, OGG, etc. in the fastest DVD ripping speed and best quality.

ImTOO DVD Ripper Platinum http://www.sharewareorder.com/Multimedia-Design/Video/ImTOO-DVD-Ripper-Platinum.html , the BEST DVD converter.

No other DVD rip software supports so rich video/audio formats like ImTOO DVD ripper, which can clip and merge DVD's any segment, set divers output formats from one concurrently, select target subtitle and audio track. This DVD ripper can directly convert DVD to video/audio files playable on many digital devices like PSP, PS3, iPod, Apple TV, iPhone, iRiver PMP, Archos, Creative Zen, mobile phone, etc. A new profile of PSP AVC video in 480 X 272 (PSPEXT) has been added, while the profile of Apple TV video has been improved to fit better for your TV playing.

So easy to use that just a few clicks are enough to convert DVD! Free download ImTOO DVD Ripper Platinum http://www.sharewareorder.com/Multimedia-Design/Video/ImTOO-DVD-Ripper-Platinum.html software to relax your DVD ripping job now!

Super Ripper

Today, I found a super ripper, which can rip DVD to audio smoothly.

DVD Audio Ripper http://www.sharewareorder.com/Audio/Rippers-Encoders/DVD-Audio-Ripper.html s software DVD movie soundtrack ripper and DVD to MP3 ripper, which can extract audio from DVD and rip DVD audio to MP3, WAV, AAC, AC3, OGG, RA, WMA and AU formats. As a DVD audio extractor, DVD Audio Ripper has fast ripping speed which exceeds your expectation, saves your time greatly. The concise interface ensures you can use the DVD to MP3 ripper at ease even for the first time. It helps you extract complete music info from DVD and provides you luxuriant sound effects.

Key Features of DVD Audio Ripper http://www.sharewareorder.com/Audio/Rippers-Encoders/DVD-Audio-Ripper.html :

•Rip by chapter(s)

DVD Audio Ripper will auto list all chapters in a DVD, then you can extract sound tracks by chapter easily.

•Rip by certain time or file size

If your DVD doesn't separate music through chapters, you also can rip it by certain time or file size, for example convert DVD to MP3 every 5 minutes or every 5 MB.

•Extract DVD sound track quickly

DVD Audio Ripper can check your CPU type automatically, use your CPU fully that ensure you can rip your DVDs with the best ripping speed. DVD ripping isn't a time-consuming work any more!

•Supports DVDs as well as IFO files

Beside DVDs, DVD Audio Ripper also supports IFO files.

•Support DVD info retrieval

You may choose to retrieve DVD info from the internet automatically or manually.

• Supports batch conversion

Select all chapters you want to rip and the DVD audio extractor software will automatically rip them one by one. And if you have more than one DVD-ROM, DVD Audio Ripper also can rip DVDs from these DVD-ROMs at the same time.

•Provides you luxuriant sound effects

Extract complete music info from DVDs, and bring you perfect sound effects.

•Supports ID3 tag

It supports edit function of ID3v1 and ID3v2 and permits you to edit music info for each file before convert DVD to MP3 or any others.

New Functions in Version 5.0 of DVD Audio Ripper http://www.sharewareorder.com/Audio/Rippers-Encoders/DVD-Audio-Ripper.html :

•This DVD audio converter supports concurrently setting diver output formats for one source, and all the profiles have been optimized for popular audio and video formats.

•More assistant tools are added in the latest DVD Audio Ripper such as, a Snapshot to take snapshot when previewing, a Bitrate Calculator to customize output file size, etc.

•The new version will automatically check updates, and you can choose to update right now or later.

Key Functions of DVD Audio Ripper http://www.sharewareorder.com/Audio/Rippers-Encoders/DVD-Audio-Ripper.html :

•DVD to MP3 Ripper - Convert DVD to MP3; rip DVD audio to MP3.

•Convert DVD movie soundtrack to WAV.

•DVD audio extractor to rip DVD to AAC, AC3, MP3, OGG, RA, WMA and AU - Convert DVD movie to AAC, AC3, MP3, OGG, RA, WMA and AU.

•Support AC3 and LPCM audio track.

•Support sample rate 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz and 48 kHz to 44.1 kHz down sampling.

In conclusion, DVD Audio Ripper http://www.sharewareorder.com/Audio/Rippers-Encoders/DVD-Audio-Ripper.html is easy to use, fast in speed, excellent in quality and reasonable in price. And it offers excellent after service that ensures the convenience and joy for all users in using it.

Choosing DVD Audio Ripper http://www.sharewareorder.com/Audio/Rippers-Encoders/DVD-Audio-Ripper.html eans opening the door of enjoying your multimedia life! Why not own this super ripper right now?!

Trading WoW Accounts

These days, I feel a little bored of playing my chosen class, and I just want to try a new class without starting over. My friend told me that trading my account with someone else can be a smart thing to do. While WoW is one of the easiest MMORPGs to level up in, starting over with a new character can be a long and tedious process. Trading World of Warcraft accounts can be good way to renew the interest in the game.

I surfed some websites to find help, and then I got the useful information on http://www.gismdir.com/Computer/WOW blow:

The first thing you need to think about, is what kind of account your are looking for to trade with your own. You most likely won't be able to trade for a better account, but if the person you are trading with is interested in your character because he is on a specific server, you may be able to trade up to a better character. Most of the time, both traders will end up receiving accounts of approximately equal value. In fact, because characters can be transferred across servers and even accounts, the only thing that is really important in a character is the gear.

Of course, when you trade, you need to be careful and take the proper precautions. Although most traders are also gamers who have no ill intent, there are always scammers out there who want to prey on uninformed traders. When you trade, always ask to see the character in game first, even if the trade has already been confirmed (ie on a auction site). Once you've done that, typically one person has to "go first". On an auction type site where the trader lists his account for trade, and others offer their accounts, the person offering the account will send the information first, as the seller is usually ID Verified.

Once everything is finalized, be sure to receive all of the sensitive information to the account - not only the account name and password. These include the secret word and cdkey. However, the most important thing is to make sure the email listed on the account is changed to yours. The secret word is used to reset the password, but the new password will be sent to the email address on file. If the email address is yours, then even if the password is reset you have nothing to worry about. Changing the email address is easy and only involves having the other person initiate the email change and confirm it before sending you the account. Likewise, you should do the same for them.

Nowadays, trading World of Warcraft accounts is becoming more and more common as the game becomes more mature. Hopefully you will find it safe, secure, and most of all, fun!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Good assistant to both teachers and students

More than 3000 schools and 100 school districts across the United States and Canada are using Gradekeeper School License http://www.sharewareorder.com/Home-Education/Gradekeeper-School-License.html.

It is becoming a trend in schools!

Gradekeeper School License http://www.sharewareorder.com/Home-Education/Gradekeeper-School-License.html is an easy and useful tool. It is as easy-using as your paper gradebook, but it does much more than you think. After you enter your grades and attendance, and then Gradekeeper will do the rest. It computes grades, prints reports, does seating charts, and even posts grades online. With the companion applications for your Palm OS or Pocket PC handheld, you can record grades and attendance during class and synchronize with your desktop computer later.

Gradekeeper School License http://www.sharewareorder.com/Home-Education/Gradekeeper-School-License.html supports both Windows and Mac OS X, whether at school or at home, including future versions with no additional cost.

Take a quick tour of Gradekeeper and see how easy managing your gradebook can be. Then download Gradekeeper School License http://www.sharewareorder.com/Home-Education/Gradekeeper-School-License.html and try it for yourself. @-@

Does this game Big City Adventure: Sydney, Australia get harder as it goes along?

Ha-ha, Yes indeed, the game Big City Adventure: Sydney, Australia

http://www.azureusgame.com/Puzzles/Big-City-Adventure-Sydney-Australia.htmldoes become more challenging as you keep playing. There are 60 levels of hidden objects plus 60 levels of mini games. Finding the hidden objects and solving the mini games will become trickier once you reach the higher levels. Go to http://www.azureusgame.com/ find the game you are interested in~

I have played Big City Adventure: San Francisco, which rocks. While Big City Adventure: Sydney Australia


becomes even better.

What's most important, the gameplay really addictive, neither too hard nor too easy. You can play with your families together.

Nice job Jolly Bear Games!

Don't hesitate! Free TRY it !

Features of Big City Adventure: Sydney, Australia


Big City Adventure: Sydney, Australia


does become more challenging as you keep playing. There are 60 levels of hidden objects plus 60 levels of mini games. Finding the hidden objects and solving the mini games will become trickier once you reach the higher levels.

Beautiful art and sound


Big City Adventure: Sydney, Australia


is full of beautiful art and sound. Well, on the on hand, there are not only a lot of carton photos which is very interesting in this mini-game, but also much famous architecture in Sydney, such as the Sydney bridge, Sydney theater and so on. On the other hand, this mini game is full of beautiful music which could make me in the pace of relax during playing this game! Excellent!Big City Adventure: Sydney, Australia


obey my thirst!


Big City Adventure: Sydney, Australia is the subsequent edition of Big City Adventure: San Francisco. I have played the game. Excellent! There is something novel in Big City Adventure: Sydney, Australia.I can still search for thousands of cleverly hidden items around the amazing city of Sydney. Discover 75 fascinating and obscure facts about Sydney and its history, plus, earn 75 cool mementos from the 26 amazing locations you'll visit. Furthermore, with 74 rounds of exciting mini-games and 76 rounds of treasure hunting, And the most important is that it added the hunting shrewmouse and mahjong.

A good conversion tool to iPhone

Aimersoft iPhone Converter Suite http://www.sharewareorder.com/Multimedia-Design/Video/Aplus-DVD-Copy.html is powerful and easy-to-use iPhone MP4 video conversion tool bundled by two excellent iPhone converters: DVD to iPhone Converter and iPhone Video Converter. It can rip DVD Movies and convert the ripped videos to the iPhone MP4 video format with excellent quality and in a super fast conversion speed.

With its multi-function, Aimersoft iPhone Converter Suite http://www.sharewareorder.com/Multimedia-Design/Video/Aplus-DVD-Copy.html can do almost any conversion tasks related.

With the excellent iPhone Converter, you can easily convert DVD movies and video files to iPhone with rich options such as customizing file size, movie trimming, video crop, subtitle selection, audio track selection and so on.

With the powerful iPhone MP4 Video encoder, you can convert DVD and various video formats including AVI, DivX, XviD, WMV, MPEG, MPG, FLV (Youtube), DAT, RM, RMVB, MOV, ASF and limewire video to iPhone MP4, and even to Apple iPod Video and Apple TV.

Even you can extract and convert audio from DVD or video to MP3, WVA, AAC, etc as you cell phone tones.

Here are some key features of Aimersoft iPhone Converter Suite http://www.sharewareorder.com/Multimedia-Design/Video/Aplus-DVD-Copy.html :

Automatically rip DVD movie to iPhone MP4 MPEG-4 H.264 Video.

Convert various video formats including AVI, DivX, XviD, WMV (Windows Media Player Video), MPEG, MPG, FLV (Youtube), DAT (VCD), RM, RMVB (RealPlayer), MOV (QuickTime), ASF and limewire video to iPhone MP4 MPEG-4 H.264 Video.

Support batch conversions and customize video profile, you need not to click time and time again for setting as once you save your individual setting as profile, make your conversion much easier.

Support there Apple devices: iPhone, iPod Video and Apple TV.

Built in MP4 and H.264 encoder. Provide you with very high video quality.

Easily rip audio from DVD and video to MP3, WAV, AAC as your iPhone tones.

Fully support dual-core and multi-threading. Convert video to iPhone MP4 Video and convert DVD to iPhone with super fast speed.

Powerful Video editing, allow you to adjust brightness, contrast, volumn, select audio track and subtitle to convert DVD and video to iPhone MP4 video.

Support video trim and video crop. Set the start and the end to capture your favorite movie clips. Cut off the black edges of your movies and enjoy them on iPhone with full screen.

Fully support Windows Vista, rip video and DVD to iPhone MP4 Video with great stabilization.

High level customization. Let you convert your DVD iPhone with the resolution, frame rate, video bit rate and sample rate you prefer. Fully support PAL and NTSC TV standards.

Allow you to select DVD movie target subtitle and audio track.

Support automatically shut down your PC after conversion. So you don't have to wait around your computer until the program finishes the conversion.

All encoders/decoders are built in.

Capture pictures from your DVD and video and save the captured pictures as jpeg and bmp.

Very intuitive user interface that guides you to convert DVD to iPhone and convert video to iPhone with just a few clicks of your mouse

Download a free Aimersoft iPhone Converter Suite http://www.sharewareorder.com/Multimedia-Design/Video/Aplus-DVD-Copy.html to enjoy your favorite DVD movies and video files on your iPhone anytime and anywhere.

Prons and cons of Miss Teri Tale

Some of my schoolmates say that Miss Teri Tale is interesting, while some others think it just so so. Personally, I think that different people have different opinion about this game. As for me, I think this game has strong playability. For example, you can enter the town, different family rooms, and find thousands of items found hidden clues in the weekend before, Jason recovered puppy to solve the case. The difficulty for the overall design moderate which is a mystery for a relaxing sight game.

While as for the cons of this game, I think its overall difficulty very much confuses me. You are only given up to 4 items to look for at a given time unless you find it and it gets replaced. This presents a greater challenge than other hidden object games because you really have to focus first on these limited items (and really, they are very difficult to find).

Free Miss Teri Tale download


Aplus DVD Copy has released recently!!!

I like to watch movies, like to collect good DVD movies. I have been looking at a professional DVD clone tool for copy and burn your favorite your DVD movie collection to DVD-R(W)for some time. Last Sunday, I find the Aplus DVD Copy software from internet by accident so that I downloaded and installed it.

I had never thought that it was so useful. Aplus DVD Copy http://www.globalshareware.com/Multimedia-Design/Video/Aplus-DVD-Copy.html

is simply and easy way to copy a DVD Movies by myself, just need three steps! Insert my source DVD movies and destination blank DVD disc then press start and everything will happen automatically!

Aplus DVD Copy http://www.globalshareware.com/Multimedia-Design/Video/Aplus-DVD-Copy.html supports clone DVD movies even it is protected such as CSS(Content Scrambling System), region, Macrovision or SONY ARCCOS protected DVD movies.

Key Features:

It just takes less 1/5 of playback time to Clone a DVD Disc.

Backup DVD movies onto your hard disk.

Burn DVD movies to DVD-R(W) and DVD+R(W) Disc

Support copy DVD-5/DVD-9 type DVD movies to DVD-9(Dual Layer) disc

Support compress DVD-5/DVD-9 type DVD movies to DVD-5 disc

use latest industry standards compression technology to ensure the DVD disc you create with best quality

Automatically prepares blank DVD for recording.

Support clone CSS(Content Scrambling System) protected DVD movies

Support clone region protected DVD movies

Support clone Macrovision Protected DVD movies

Support clone SONY ARCCOS protected DVD movies

The Aplus DVD Copy http://www.globalshareware.com/Multimedia-Design/Video/Aplus-DVD-Copy.html is a new product that has released recently. I believe if you protected your DVD movies, you will like the Aplus DVD Copy software.