I really look forward to weekends. Not because I have big plans - no social activities, hobbies, or day trips. I'm just happy to do nothing at all. Well, at least nothing more than read a good book, walk my dog, or work on crossword puzzles.
During the week it's hard to find a spare minute to do anything beyond working at my job, taking care of family and pets, shopping for groceries, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, paying bills, running errands, and working out at the gym (unfortunately, that's the first thing to go when I'm pressed for time). Saturday and Sunday are my days to recharge.
But for the last few weekends, my husband, daughter, and I have been freshening up our living space: painting, moving furniture, cleaning out closets, and generally giving everything a good scrub. By the time Monday rolls around, we drag ourselves off to work with a sense of accomplishment, but sore and exhausted. It's worse for my daughter - between school and work, she gets only one day off every week.
Last night, after we washed up the paint brushes and thought about the next round of painting for the coming weekend, I turned to my husband and said, "This is what it's like for people who work two or three jobs - how in the world do they do it? When do they get a break?"
After we thought about how lucky we were, we quit our whining. But the question remains: How do people find the time to rest and recuperate with overloaded schedules?
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