Monday, April 28, 2008

Smart Apple iPod tips and techniques

I know that almost everyone and anyone that I know seem to have bought an iPod or at least is thinking of getting an ipod for themselves or their loved ones. Well. I'm the same! The iPod is just so alluring! However, I don't know what I should do after buying the iPod.

Most people don't. I surf the internet and find that yet, market analysts estimate that the average iPod owner spend as much as 30% of the original iPod price on additional accessories! That's a whopping US$60-US$90 on iPod accessories that each iPod owner will spend!

There is some related information about this problem. I got it from

Get the Basic iPod Accessory before getting the Fancy Stuff!

Despite the technical and cosmetic superiority of the Apple iPod, there remain some teething issues. Weak batteries is one. Being easily scratched is another. These problems immediately lower the resale or trade-in value of the iPod, if any? This may not seem important but if you are trading in your older iPod for a new one, this does matter. It also sucks to see scratches and marks on the beautiful iPod. In fact, microscopic scratches takes place everytime you take the iPod in and out of pocket!

Get a good-quality iPod case before ANYTHING ELSE!

There are numerous iPod accessories out there. Many accessories are fanciful, some are good but most do not fulfil the basic need of the iPod. You need to protect the iPod from getting scratches and accidental marks before anything else.

Before the iPod can serve you well, it must be able to take care of itself. So, before you even look further into getting your first iPod accessory or even if you have gotten numerous other accessories, make sure you first equip your iPod with either a good quality case or sleeve.

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