Monday, April 14, 2008

Good assistant to both teachers and students

More than 3000 schools and 100 school districts across the United States and Canada are using Gradekeeper School License

It is becoming a trend in schools!

Gradekeeper School License is an easy and useful tool. It is as easy-using as your paper gradebook, but it does much more than you think. After you enter your grades and attendance, and then Gradekeeper will do the rest. It computes grades, prints reports, does seating charts, and even posts grades online. With the companion applications for your Palm OS or Pocket PC handheld, you can record grades and attendance during class and synchronize with your desktop computer later.

Gradekeeper School License supports both Windows and Mac OS X, whether at school or at home, including future versions with no additional cost.

Take a quick tour of Gradekeeper and see how easy managing your gradebook can be. Then download Gradekeeper School License and try it for yourself. @-@

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