Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Trading WoW Accounts

These days, I feel a little bored of playing my chosen class, and I just want to try a new class without starting over. My friend told me that trading my account with someone else can be a smart thing to do. While WoW is one of the easiest MMORPGs to level up in, starting over with a new character can be a long and tedious process. Trading World of Warcraft accounts can be good way to renew the interest in the game.

I surfed some websites to find help, and then I got the useful information on http://www.gismdir.com/Computer/WOW blow:

The first thing you need to think about, is what kind of account your are looking for to trade with your own. You most likely won't be able to trade for a better account, but if the person you are trading with is interested in your character because he is on a specific server, you may be able to trade up to a better character. Most of the time, both traders will end up receiving accounts of approximately equal value. In fact, because characters can be transferred across servers and even accounts, the only thing that is really important in a character is the gear.

Of course, when you trade, you need to be careful and take the proper precautions. Although most traders are also gamers who have no ill intent, there are always scammers out there who want to prey on uninformed traders. When you trade, always ask to see the character in game first, even if the trade has already been confirmed (ie on a auction site). Once you've done that, typically one person has to "go first". On an auction type site where the trader lists his account for trade, and others offer their accounts, the person offering the account will send the information first, as the seller is usually ID Verified.

Once everything is finalized, be sure to receive all of the sensitive information to the account - not only the account name and password. These include the secret word and cdkey. However, the most important thing is to make sure the email listed on the account is changed to yours. The secret word is used to reset the password, but the new password will be sent to the email address on file. If the email address is yours, then even if the password is reset you have nothing to worry about. Changing the email address is easy and only involves having the other person initiate the email change and confirm it before sending you the account. Likewise, you should do the same for them.

Nowadays, trading World of Warcraft accounts is becoming more and more common as the game becomes more mature. Hopefully you will find it safe, secure, and most of all, fun!

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