Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Why can't we shoot a few?

The "justice system?" in this once great country of ours (UK) is upside down. It is biased against the law-abiding and for the offender.

There is no reason whatsoever to spend vast amounts of time and money on the housing and monitoring of a large percentage of criminals that plague our society when a 50p (1$) bullet in the head of these wasters of space would solve much of the prison population problem and save us money to boot.

He suggests that large treadmills connected to generators should be built to be driven by inmates. Thus, they would at least be putting something back into society instead of just taking. It would also go some way towards tackling the green issue.

Why should child rapists and killers be allowed to serve time and then be released to do the same thing again. What use is a paedophile to society? Even if he serves a long sentence he'll still be a paedophile with the same urges on his release, unless he's castrated, and that expedient, of course, would infringe upon his human rights.

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