This week American Idol--along with Dancing With The Stars and Flavor Of Love 3--wraps up its season, leaving an aching void in our hearts and TiVo schedules that will only temporarily be filled by So You Think You Can Dance. But fear not, reality addicts: VH1's just-announced addition to its fall programming schedule will probably tide us all over until AmIdol season 8 kicks off.
Yes, it's been confirmed that Charm School will return to VH1 for a second season, only instead of Mo'Nique mentoring wayward Flavor Of Love castoffs, season 2 will feature the always-charming Sharon Osbourne retraining and refining the uncouth Rock Of Love stripper skanks to become (and I quote) "sophisticated rock 'n' roll ladies."
According to a VH1 press release, Ozzy's missus will help Bret Michaels' boozy rejects "learn and grow in areas of etiquette, fashion, manners, and moderation" and "will attempt to strip the girls of their former rebellious and wild ways."
Considering the job Sharon's done with her errant daughter Kelly, I'm not quite sure if she's the right woman to rehabilitate rowdy rock chicks like Lacey and the Barbie Twins, but I do bleieve this is going to be some very TiVo-worthy television.
My only question is: When is VH1 going to do a Charm School with someone like, say, Diddy assistant Farnsworth Bentley giving the Henry Higgins treatment to the failed I Love New York suitors? Guess we'll just have to wait for a season 3 to see that...
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