I also am trying a new kind of melon to me...Yuago melon. It is a Japanese melon that is yellow in color and the size of a large apple. It is supposed to taste very sweet and you can peel the skin like an orange. This is my experimental plant, LOL. There you have it....my garden, stuffed full on a half acre of land. No more room for anything else to be planted. There is only one thing that I do not like that is planted...brussel sprouts...UGH. Bryan loves them so we had to do it. LOL. Most of the seeds have sprouted that we planted in the beginning of May. We just planted some seeds so we will see if they come up. Bryan just recently bought a pump to hook up on his tractor to make watering and fertilizing the garden easier. He also tills the soil with his tractor so other than weeding the rows, I do not have that much to do. I must admit...weeding the rows is a day long job, LOL. I have to be careful as I am not a very "green thumb" person and do not want to pull plants mistaking them for weeds, LOL. It is best I wait until the plants have a chance to grow up a little. I am truly excited about this garden. Not only for freshness and accomplishment purposes, but I just about faint when I go into the grocery store and see the prices of produce. I love grapes and have not boughten them as they are $3.99 a lb. WTF??? With gas prices skyrocketing, this will only get worse as far as high prices on everything. This garden is more of a neccessity than a hobby. One more thing Bryan might plant is strawberries. I just love them! He will make a 3 tier planter out of old tires, the biggest one at the bottom, fill it with dirt and stack two more tires smaller each row. Then he will plant strawberries in the dirt on each tier. Not only pretty, but the tires keep the animals away from the plants. Why..I do not know, but they do. We will have this in the backyard next to out apple trees.
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