Wednesday, July 29, 2009

IPod to iTunes Transfer - Cucusoft iPod/iPhone/iTouch to Computer

One of the failings of iTunes is the inability to copy music files from the iPod to your iTunes library without third party utilities. I suspect Apple did this by design to keep we iTunes customers from copying our DRMed music. I recently rebuilt my Tablet PC and wanted to copy my 18 GB of music residing on my iPod over to the Tablet so my library would be filled again. A gotcha lurks when you install iTunes and your iPod onto a new computer because iTunes is set by default to replace your iPod library with the desktop library the first time they are partnered. There is a simple way to prevent this and also copy your iPod library to the desktop with the third party software.

iPod to iTunes Transfer - Cucusoft iPod/iPhone/iTouch to Computer is is a sound of blessing for frustrated Apple's iTune users who can't copy music files from iPod to pc desktop or laptop since iTune blocks iPod-to-computer song transfer, maybe they want to know more about that why choose Lenogo iPod to PC transfer and how to transfer ipod songs to PC with the iPod to PC transfer.

Transfer iPod/iTouch files to computer hard disk and iTunes directly. It can transfer iPod photo, Videos, songs, podcasts and playlist to computer and iTunes easily.

Copy iPod media files to computer with an ease. It is a powerful iPod to computer transfer, which can help to copy music, movies, podcast, pictures and playlist from iPod to computer.

Keep your iPod, iTouch safe. By backuping up iPod and iPhone back to computer and iTunes to keep iPod, iTouch, iPhone safe.

It can help iPod fans to transfer iPod songs, videos, photos and playlistbackup to PC or iTunes that iTunes can not do when solve you encounter the following familiar problems:

when your computer crashes down, your files on computer and iTunes was gone;

when you buy a new PC, you want to transfer your iPod files to your new computer;

when you like your friends iPod songs and want to transfer them to your computer;

when your friends want your iPod songs and videos to his/her computer;

when you have a new iPod and want to transfer iPod video and audio between them;

when you want to transfer the files between your iPod/iPhone or your friends' iPod/iPhone;

share two different iPods on iTunes;

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