Friday, July 24, 2009

How to transfer podcast from iPod to pc with Cucusoft iPod to pc Transfer?

" I downlaoded Happy tree friend episodes to my ipod, when i chek my ipod when it says sync complete, it says "no podcast" on my ipod....Is it possible for me to transfer this podcast to my pc? I'm a new user of iPod. Could anybody else can help me with exact steps? "

Cucusoft iPhone iPod to Computer Transfer, an excelent transfer tool for computer user, could transfer podcast from iPod player to pc quickly. Now the following steps will tell you how to transfer podcast from iPod to pc.

Note: Please make sure that your iTunes is closed when you use iPod to pc Transfer.

Step1:Cucusoft iPod to pc Transfer is shareware that can transfer podcast to pc for you. To transfer poscast to Mac, you need download iPod to pc transfer . Then install it to your local hard driver. This may take you several minutes.

Step 2: Launch the program of Cucusoft iPhone iPod to Computer Transfer, and connect your iPod to your computer via USB cable. After done, the files names will appear in the device list.

Step 3: Open the library list that you want to export files, and then check the file(s) you want to export in the file list.

Step 4: Click the" iPod to pc" button to start exporting files. Otherwise, you could also choose the Import to pc option from the Action menu, and then export the files from your iPod to your PC.

Tip: Please make sure that your iTunes is closed when you use Cucusoft iPod to pc Transfer. When iPod to Mac Transfer is started, it will modify the automatic synchronization of music/video to manual synchronization between iPod and Mac.

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