Friday, July 31, 2009

Ipod to pc transfer - Cucusoft iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer is the most powerful backup tools.


Cucusoft iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer is the most powerful backup tools for iPod music, video and photo transferring. It can transfer iPod music, videos and photos from iPod to computer, backup iPod to PC easily; this iPod transfer tool also can transfer iPod music, videos and photos from PC to iPod.

Cons: The trial version batch processing function supports at most 10 files, when exceed 10, only one file can be processed.


The full version of iPod/iTouch to computer transfer can:

Recover, backup, restore iPod files

Transfer files between iPods, iTouchs and iPhones

Transfer iPod songs, videos, photo, podcast from your iPod (any model) back to your computer.

IPod to iTunes Transfer - Cucusoft iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer is such a tool that can copy iPod playlist to iTunes and can copy iPod songs, video, photo to computer for Windows users.

Transfer iPod/iTouch files to computer hard disk and iTunes directly. It can transfer iPod photo, Videos, songs, podcasts and playlist to computer and iTunes easily.

Copy iPod media files to computer with an ease. It is a powerful iPod to computer transfer, which can help to copy music, movies, podcast, pictures and playlist from iPod to computer.

Keep your iPod, iTouch safe. By backuping up iPod and iPhone back to computer and iTunes to keep iPod, iTouch, iPhone safe.

Interface: Cucusoft Ipod to pc transfer has a professional-looking interface, it is excellent compared to other programs in this section and so on. It provides a friendlier and clearer interface that helps you find the items you want to transfer or backup by a glance and quickly master the way to do so even if you have never done the same thing before, so you could operate with ease.

Set up:

The set up file is a little smaller comparing with other softwares with the same functions. There is no adware, spyware or virus combined with this utility. The installation is easy and straightforward, so is the uninstallation. This program offers a quick door to remove the entire program. Auto-scans your iPod or iPhone device, and auto-indexes all files by album, artist, genre, and type. Also auto-searches by album, artist, genre and type.

System Requirements:

Software Requirements :Windows 9x, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 2003 Server, etc; DirectX 8.0 or later;

Hardware Requirements: MMX-enhanced CPU or more powerful; 512 MB RAM or more; Any VGA card


With Cucusoft iPod to computer Transfer, your music is not forever lost! There are actually several highly rated programs out there to get this done. If you choose this application, you will be offered a Free download trial version where you could test it out before buying it and because the reviews were positive

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fully guide: How to transfer songs from ipod to computer.

Have you ever think about how to transfer your songs from ipod to computer?Have you ever worried about losing anything on your ipod when it is formatted accidentally? Have you ever feel regretful when you lost your favorite songs or videos on ipod? Have you ever want to copy your files exist in your ipod to your PC for security?

You see In order to protect the copyright laws of songs, music and videos and to reduce piracy, Apple has made it extremely difficult to copy or transfer music and videos between different iPod devices and transfer files from iPod to computer.

With Cucusoft iPod to computer Transfer, your music is not forever lost! There are actually several highly rated programs out there to get this done. If you choose this application, you will be offered a Free download trial version where you could test it out before buying it and because the reviews were positive.

Step-by-step guide: How to transfer songs from ipod to computer?

Step1: Run iPod to Computer transfer Firstly, double click the icon of iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer in the desktop to run it. The following window will pop up. That means it is looking for your iPod device.

Tip: If the iPod to Computer Transfer couldn't find the iPod, please reconnect the iPod to computer and the "rescan" button to detect and scan the device again. Or, you can try to connect your iPod to PC again.

Step2: Select the songs you want to transfer After the device is detected successfully, you can select the songs files you want to download to computer:

You can select the "songs" from the left options.

On the right window, all the files will be added if you have chosen "Select all".

Once you have decide which music files would be transferred, you just need to click the "Start Transfer" button, this iPod to Computer transfer will begin to transfer songs from iPod to Computer

Step3: Start to transfer songs from iPod to your computer After click the button "Start Transfer", a pop up will show. You have two choice

Transfer to Disk only.

Transfer to iTunes.

You can choose to "Transfer to Disk only". Then click the "Start Transfer" button, the process of transfer songs from iPod to computer will start.

Step4: Transferring songs from iPod to computer finished

When the the process of transferring songs from iPod to computer finished, the following window will pop up. It shows that how many files have been done. You can click the Yes button to view the output files.

How to extract itouch to iTunes with Cucusoft ipod Transfer?

Millions of people have been crazy about Ever since iPod was released. There appeared some assistant tools to manage iPod without iTunes Actually, I am not very good at iPod stuff and I always make a mess up about my iTunes and iPod. But now it is very easy for me to do with my iTunes and iPod, I can easily transfer data between my iPod nano and iPhone, backup my iPod data in my computer and put songs and videos from my computer to my iPod/iPhone without iTunes.

My friend said to Google for a transfer program, in this way I got an iPod to iTunes transfer - Cucusoft iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer. It does resolve my problem and just need four steps. I am so excited that I want to share with everyone, if you have the same problem, I believe that you can also resolve through my introductions."

Yes, extract iPod songs, video, photo and playlist to pc with Cucusoft iPhone iTouch iPod to Computer Transfer is your best choice!

How to extract itouch to iTunes with Cucusoft Transfer?

Step1: Run iPod to Computer transfer Firstly, double click the icon of iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer in the desktop to run it. The following window will pop up. That means it is looking for your iPod device.

Tip: If the iPod to Computer Transfer couldn't find the iPod, please reconnect the iPod to computer and the "rescan" button to detect and scan the device again. Or, you can try to connect your iPod to PC again.

Step2: Select the files (photos, songs and videos) you want to transfer After the device is detected successfully, you can select the picture files you want to download to computer:You can select the " files " from the left options.

On the right window, all the files will be added if you have chosen "Select all".

Once you have decide which music files would be transferred, you just need to click the "Start Transfer" button, thisiPod to Computer transfer will begin to transfer files from iPod to Computer

Step3: Start to transfer files from iPod to your computer After click the button "Start Transfer", a pop up will show. You have two choice

Transfer to Disk only.

Transfer to iTunes.

You can choose to "Transfer to Disk only". Then click the "Start Transfer" button, the process of transfer files from iPod to computer will start.

Step4: Transferring files from iPod to computer finished

When the the process of transferring files from iPod to computer finished, the following window will pop up. It shows that how many files have been done. You can click the Yes button to view the output files.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

IPod to iTunes Transfer - Cucusoft iPod/iPhone/iTouch to Computer

One of the failings of iTunes is the inability to copy music files from the iPod to your iTunes library without third party utilities. I suspect Apple did this by design to keep we iTunes customers from copying our DRMed music. I recently rebuilt my Tablet PC and wanted to copy my 18 GB of music residing on my iPod over to the Tablet so my library would be filled again. A gotcha lurks when you install iTunes and your iPod onto a new computer because iTunes is set by default to replace your iPod library with the desktop library the first time they are partnered. There is a simple way to prevent this and also copy your iPod library to the desktop with the third party software.

iPod to iTunes Transfer - Cucusoft iPod/iPhone/iTouch to Computer is is a sound of blessing for frustrated Apple's iTune users who can't copy music files from iPod to pc desktop or laptop since iTune blocks iPod-to-computer song transfer, maybe they want to know more about that why choose Lenogo iPod to PC transfer and how to transfer ipod songs to PC with the iPod to PC transfer.

Transfer iPod/iTouch files to computer hard disk and iTunes directly. It can transfer iPod photo, Videos, songs, podcasts and playlist to computer and iTunes easily.

Copy iPod media files to computer with an ease. It is a powerful iPod to computer transfer, which can help to copy music, movies, podcast, pictures and playlist from iPod to computer.

Keep your iPod, iTouch safe. By backuping up iPod and iPhone back to computer and iTunes to keep iPod, iTouch, iPhone safe.

It can help iPod fans to transfer iPod songs, videos, photos and playlistbackup to PC or iTunes that iTunes can not do when solve you encounter the following familiar problems:

when your computer crashes down, your files on computer and iTunes was gone;

when you buy a new PC, you want to transfer your iPod files to your new computer;

when you like your friends iPod songs and want to transfer them to your computer;

when your friends want your iPod songs and videos to his/her computer;

when you have a new iPod and want to transfer iPod video and audio between them;

when you want to transfer the files between your iPod/iPhone or your friends' iPod/iPhone;

share two different iPods on iTunes;

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How to export iPod songs to PC with cucusoft?

When you delete all the songs on your PC hard disk, you are so carelessless. But your have backed up all your songs on your iPod already. Do not forget, the iTunes is automatically sycn with your iPod and it doesn't allow you to export iPod to PC . In fact, problem will be solved if you get a iPod to PC Transfer and you can get all your songs back to your PC. Your music is not forever lost.

There is a handful of programs out there to assist people in the situation if you ask google for help. But iPhone/iTouch/iPod to computer Transfer is an outlook one that can solve your problem well. With Cucusoft iPod to computer Transfer , your music is not forever lost! There are actually several highly rated programs out there to get this done. If you choose this application, you will be offered a Free download trial version where you could test it out before buying it and because the reviews were positive.

Guide: How to export iPod songs to PC with cucusoft?

Things you need

 Computer with Windows Vista, 2003 or XP OS.

 Disconnect iTunes

 Download the iPod to computer transfer and install it to PC.

STEP 1: Start the Transfer and connect the iPod to your computer.

Launch the iPod to computer transfer and connect the iPod to computer. a window will pop up. It means that the software are looking for your iPod device.

Tip: Cucusoft iPod/iPhone/iTouch to Computer transfer will automatically detect the iPod connected and scan the files inside. If the software couldn't find the iPod, please reconnect the iPod to computer and the "rescan" button to detect and scan the device again.

STEP 2: Select files for your to export to PC from iPod

Cucusoft iPhone/iTouch/iPod to computer Transfer enables your to export songs, movies, playlist, photo to computer easily. You can use it to export the movies, songs, playlist, photo to your PC. Here we take export music to a PC as an example. You should select the files you want to export iPod to PC.

STEP 2: Start export

Simply click the button "Start Transfer" and you can export iPod content to PC easily.

Monday, July 27, 2009

How to transfer music video from iPod to computer and iTunes?

Sometimes, you lost your iTunes library, or your computer crashed and you have to format your computer, but the songs and movies are still on your iPod, you may want to transfer them from iPod back to computer. Or you may get a new computer, you want to copy the music and video from iPod to the new computer iTunes library. And this step by step guide will help you do that. The tool you need isiPod to computer transfer. It also supports iPhone. Before you run our program, please be sure you have installed iTunes on your computer.

Here are some key features of Cucusoft iPod to Computer Transfer:

1. Transfer music, song, video, movie, tv shows, pictures, photo, podcast from iPod back to computer or iPod to iTunes

2. Fully supports all series of iPod including iPod touch, iPod Nano, iPod Classic, iPhone, iPod Video, iPod shuffule, iPod Mini, etc.

For more info about iPod to computer transfer, you can refer to this reivew of iPod to computer transfer.

And here is the free download link, about 5.1 MB. (We have scaned it with AVG and Norton Virus Protecter, they are safe without any virus and spyware).

For more iPod Transfers alternatives, you can refer to this side-by-side iPod Transfer Review.

How to transfer music video from iPod to computer and iTunes

Step1. Download and install Cucusoft iPod to Computer Transfer, after your iPod/iPhone connected to pc, Launch the program you will see the right UI. Normally, the program will search the device automatically; the files (songs/movies/playlist/photos) will be shown in the list.

Step2. Choose the list and files you want to transfer, Click the Start Transfer button.

Step3. After you clicking the Start Transfer button, the following window will pop up; you can choosetransferring to computer hard drive or iTunes directly. You can set the output folder at settings option before transferring.

Done. If you are Mac user, you may try this Mac iPod to computer transfer, the operation steps are similar to the windows version, so I'm not repeating here.

Why do we need Cucusoft iPod to Computer Transfer?

When your want to transfer song, video, movie, podcast, playlist, photo, TV show from iPod to computeror external hard drive for backup.

When your computer crashed and you lost your iTunes library, but they are still on your iPod, you want to transfer them from iPod to computer or iPod to iTunes.

When your got a new computer, and you want to transfer the entire iTunes library from your old computer to the new computer.

When your want to mange multiple iPods on one computer or iPod on multiple computers. iPod Transfer will not erase your iPod files when you switch to another iTunes.

For some reasons, your computer and iTunes can't recognize your iPod, then iPod Transfer can work as an iTunes alternative to upload music, video and movie from computer to iPod.

When your found good songs and movies on your friends' iPod, you want to copy them to your iPod, but you don't want to sync your iPod with his/her iTunes, because this will erase all files on your iPod.

When your want to connect your iPod to computer and play the songs on iPod directly without iTunes.

Our review experts have tested many similariPod to Computer Transfer & iPod to iTunes Transfer and narrow them down to the top seven iPod transfers. It can help you decide which iPod to Computer Transfer is the best to meet your needs. We consider a lot when reviewing the iPod to Computer Transfer listed on this site.

Cucusoft iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer is a prefessional , it can help you transfer songs, videos, photos, playlists, podcasts and pictures to iTunes. With it, you are able to restore your lost or missing content from iPod/iPhone/iTouch. In other words, this iPod to iTunes transfer can meet iPod, iPhone and iTouch user's demands, If you have any iPod/iPhone device, this software is a 'must have' utility to keep your iPod/iPhone safe.

Friday, July 24, 2009

How to transfer podcast from iPod to pc with Cucusoft iPod to pc Transfer?

" I downlaoded Happy tree friend episodes to my ipod, when i chek my ipod when it says sync complete, it says "no podcast" on my ipod....Is it possible for me to transfer this podcast to my pc? I'm a new user of iPod. Could anybody else can help me with exact steps? "

Cucusoft iPhone iPod to Computer Transfer, an excelent transfer tool for computer user, could transfer podcast from iPod player to pc quickly. Now the following steps will tell you how to transfer podcast from iPod to pc.

Note: Please make sure that your iTunes is closed when you use iPod to pc Transfer.

Step1:Cucusoft iPod to pc Transfer is shareware that can transfer podcast to pc for you. To transfer poscast to Mac, you need download iPod to pc transfer . Then install it to your local hard driver. This may take you several minutes.

Step 2: Launch the program of Cucusoft iPhone iPod to Computer Transfer, and connect your iPod to your computer via USB cable. After done, the files names will appear in the device list.

Step 3: Open the library list that you want to export files, and then check the file(s) you want to export in the file list.

Step 4: Click the" iPod to pc" button to start exporting files. Otherwise, you could also choose the Import to pc option from the Action menu, and then export the files from your iPod to your PC.

Tip: Please make sure that your iTunes is closed when you use Cucusoft iPod to pc Transfer. When iPod to Mac Transfer is started, it will modify the automatic synchronization of music/video to manual synchronization between iPod and Mac.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

How to download iPod songs to a PC with Cucusoft?

iPod touch, the newly developed iPod makes great fun, for example, If you receive a great image in an email, save it to your photo library on iPod touch and enjoy it on the go; If your take a family picture, you can put it on iPod touch and enjoy it. Once there, it acts just like any other photo. You can set it as your wallpaper, share it on the web, or pass it on.

Download iPod songs to a fully new PC is not an easy work if you haven't a tool to help you. You know, iPod's songs can not be seen on your hard disk. Because the songs and files on iPod are hidden and can't not be displayed.

Maybe, it is a hard choice if you have to delete your favorite songs from iPod. But now, things have changed a lot. You can download iPod songs to a PC with the application which have the function be similar to iPod to PC Transfer. In fact, it is very easy to fulfill that you download iPod songs to a PC. Cucusoft iPhone iPod to Computer Transfer is an tool you can choose. The smart, easy-to-use tool especially designed for iPod user to download songs and other files to PC and iTunes directly.

Guide:How to download iPod songs to a PC with Cucusoft?

STEP 1: Launch the iPod to PC transfer and link iPod to PC

Launch the Cucusoft iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer and connect the iPod to PC. a window will pop up. It means that the software are detecting your iPod device.

Tip: If the software couldn't find out the iPod device, please reconnect the iPod to PC and press the "rescan" button to detect and scan the device again.

STEP 2: Check files Please select the songs files which you want to transfer to a new PC from your iPod. You can select all the files by click "Select all". The selected files will be downloaded to the PC hard disk fast.

STEP 3: Click "Start Transfer"

You just need to click the button "Start Transfer". The iPod songs will be downloaded your PC hard disk easily. It is very easy to use this iPod to PC Transfer to download songs from iPod to PC.

STEP 4: Download iPod songs to PC disk

After click the button "Start Transfer", a pop up will show. You have two choice, 1. Transfer to Disk only. 2. Transfer to iTunes. For you to donwload songs from iPod to PC, you can choose "Transfer to disk only" and the songs will be downloaded to PC fast.

STEP 5: Done

Now, you can open the downloaded music folder and enjoy the music which downloaded from iPod to PC.

Cucusoft iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer description

A software that helps you transfer multimedia files from your iPod to your computer

Cucusoft iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer is small iPod/iPhone application created to help you transfer and backup all your files from your iPod/iPhone/iTouch.

Recover lost or missing music or backup and restore all of your iPod/iPhone/iTouch content; including your favorite songs, videos, photos, playlists and more. If you have any iPod/iPhone device, this software is a 'must have' utility to keep your iPod/iPhone safe.

Here are some key features of "Cucusoft iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer":

· Top-rated iPod transfer software - Easy and simple to use, powerful as well.

· Supports all iPod/iPhone/iTouch models.

· Auto-scans your iPod/iPhone devices.

· Auto-searches by Album/Artist/Genre/Type.

· Simple to install and operate.

· Advanced settings supports Backup Folder Rule.

· Index by Album/Artist/Genre/Type.

· Easily and quickly backup your songs, videos, photos, playlists, podcasts and more from your iTouch/iPhone/iPod to any folder on your PC.

· Supports manage iPhone/iTouch/iPod content, import and export files between devices and computer.

· Supports not only iPod/iPod Nano/iPod shuffle, also iPhone and iTouch.

· Supports play media file directly in our program without third party player.

· Supports manage your iPod device on any computer.

· Supports transfer photos from iPhone/iTouch/iPod to computer. New

· Supports locate music or video by ablum/artist/genre easily.

· Supports multiple languages. (English, Spanish, Deutsch, Japanese, Chinese...)

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Spotmau PowerSuite 2009

Spotmau PowerSuite 2009 is the ultimate Windows troubleshooting tool. It is a bootable CD that you can use to solve just about any problem you may experience with a Windows computer. If Windows won't start, you can use Spotmau PowerSuite to recover the system, restore the registry, repair the partition table, reinstall Windows and many other repair and recovery tasks.

This indispensable suite of tools also allows you to carry out many other system maintenance and repair tasks such as cloning or backing up your hard drive, partitioning and formatting

drives, encrypting or permanently erasing data you don't want others to find, recovering lost passwords, removing spyware popups and toolbars and optimizing your system. This is one tool no Windows PC user should be without!

Spotmau PowerSuite 2009 consists of two components. The first is a backup and recovery tool called WinCares which runs under Windows and plays a vital role in protecting your computer from disaster. You use it to back up your registry, partition table and device drivers so that they can restored in the event of a problem. It can also carry out other tasks such as restoring deleted files that can be done from within Windows itself. This makes Spotmau PowerSuite 2009 an essential utility even if your PC is working just fine at the moment.

The second component - and the most important reason for buying this product if your PC won't work - is a bootable recovery CD that runs by itself. You use this to restore the partition table and Windows registry from backups previously created by WinCares, and recover from several other common boot-up errors. As long as your computer can boot from CD - usually just a simple BIOS configuration change is all that's needed, if that - you can run this tool suite and solve the problem with a few clicks of the mouse.

If your system is so badly damaged that it can't be repaired, Spotmau PowerSuite 2009 includes tools that will let you copy your irreplaceable files to a safe location such as an external hard drive, so that you can reinstall Windows.

Spotmau PowerSuite 2009 is menu driven and easy to use. You don't need to be a technical wizard to repair Windows using these tools. As one satisfied user wrote: "l don't know anything about computers but this CD has helped me a whole lot." Buy Spotmau PowerSuite 2009 and avoid computer engineer call-out charges.

Note: Because this product is a bootable CD, a trial version is not available. Using the Buy Now button on the right, you will purchase an electronically delivered product to burn the CD yourself, plus an option to receive the product on CD for an extra $ 4.75. If you do not require the CD, simply remove it from the shopping cart.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Guide on how to copy iPod playlists to iTunes with Cucusoft.

how to copy iPod playlists to iTunes with Cucusoft,how to copy iPod playlists to iTunes,ipod to computer, ipod transfer, copy ipod to computer, iphone to computer, ipod to pc, copy ipod playlists to itunes,copy ipod playlists to itunes,copy ipod to computer

There are several common questions about how to copy iPod playlist to iTunes of the iPod user. One of the failings of iTunes is the inability to copy music files from the iPod to your iTunes library without third party utilities.Do you want to copy your iPod to iTunes? Do you want to get your iPod playlist to iTune when your iTunes crashed? Do you have the same problem when you try to copy your iPod playlist to iTunes? Here, this guide will show you how to copy iPod playlists to iTunes.

Know more about this iPod to iTunes Transfer:

iPod to iTunes Transfer - Cucusoft iPod/iPhone/iTouch to Computer is such a tool that can copy iPod playlist to iTunes and can copy iPod songs, video, photo to computer for Windows users.

Transfer iPod/iTouch files to computer hard disk and iTunes directly. It can transfer iPod photo, Videos, songs, podcasts and playlist to computer and iTunes easily.

Copy iPod media files to computer with an ease. It is a powerful iPod to computer transfer, which can help to copy music, movies, podcast, pictures and playlist from iPod to computer.

Keep your iPod, iTouch safe. By backuping up iPod and iPhone back to computer and iTunes to keep iPod, iTouch, iPhone safe.

The full version ofiPod/iTouch to computer transfer can:

Recover, backup, restore iPod files

Transfer files between iPods, iTouchs and iPhones

Transfer iPod songs, videos, photo, podcast from your iPod (any model) back to your computer.

Guide on how to copy iPod playlists to iTunes with Cucusoft.

Step 1: Launch the Transfer and connect iPod to PC

Launch the Cucusoft iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer, if you haven't had one, free download trial version firstand connect the iPod to computer. a window will pop up. It means that the software are looking for your iPod device.

Tip: Cucusoft iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer will automatically detect the iPod connected and scan the files inside. If the software couldn't find the iPod device, please reconnect the iPod to computer and the "rescan" button to detect and scan the device again.

Step 2:Click the Playlists

If the iPod to iTunes transfer has detected your iPod. The iPod playlists will show on the window. You just need to click and select the files on the right window.

Step 3: Click "Start Transfer"

Select the files on the playlists. Are you ready, you just need to click the button "Start Transfer". The iPod to computer will copy your whole iPod playlists to iTunes easily.

Step 4: Copy iPod playlist to iTunes

After click the button "Start Transfer", a pop up will show. you can choose to copy the playlist to iTunes.

Tip: Don't close iTunes during transfer.


How to Transfer iPod to iTunes With Cucusoft?

A complete restore was required that A Windows crash. Since iTunes is installed with XP, the restore erased my iTunes library. I was afraid to plug the iPod back in for fear of it syncing and erasing the iPod's library as well, despite changing the autosync options. A little paranoid, but I didn't relish the thought of having to upload all of my CDs again. How could I transfer my iPod to iTunes?

My friend said to Google for a transfer program, in this way I got an iPod to iTunes transfer - Cucusoft iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer. It does resolve my problem and just need four steps. I am so excited that I want to share with everyone, if you have the same problem, I believe that you can also resolve through my introductions."

Yes, Transfer iPod songs, video, photo and playlist to iTunes with Cucusoft iPhone iTouch iPod to Computer Transfer is your best choice!

Cucusoft iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer is a prefessional , it can help you transfer songs, videos, photos, playlists, podcasts and pictures to iTunes. With it, you are able to restore your lost or missing content from iPod/iPhone/iTouch. In other words, this iPod to iTunes transfer can meet iPod, iPhone and iTouch user's demands, If you have any iPod/iPhone device, this software is a 'must have' utility to keep your iPod/iPhone safe.

In addition, I find it supports manage iPhone/iTouch/iPod content, import and export files between devices and computer.

What's more, it is also a transfer for you to transfer iPod iPhone content to PC. With it, you can backup all the files on the iPod or iPhone to PC hard disk easily.

How to transfer iPod to iTunes in brief: (Four steps only)

Connect your iPod to computer

Run iPod to iTunes Transfer

Select files you want to transfer from iPod to iTunes

Click "Start transfer" button to transfer

Note: There is a limitation of this iPod to iTunes transfer trial version: you are allowed transfer 20 files only, if you have too many files want to transfer like me.

How to get music off your iPod and onto iTunes quickly and easily?

iTunes can't help you copy or backup songs from your iPod to your computer. If your iPod has been synched with your iTunes library and has all (or most) of your songs.Therefore, to copy songs from iPod to iTunes, you can use Cucusoft iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer. It is also a iPod to iTunes transfer, which can transfer iPod songs, video, playlist and photo to iTunes fast and easily. Are you looking for a way to get your favorite music off your iPod and onto iTunes quickly and easily? The Cucusoft iPod to Computer Transfer Software makes this and more possible. This tremendous and low-priced software makes it easy for iPod owners to download important files and data from their iPod and transfer it to iTunes. This is extremely valuable if your hard drive has crashed and the only copy of the music you own is on your iPod.

There are several benefits to using this type of program to move files and data from your iPod to iTunes. First, you may want to back up your files to make it easier if your iPod is lost, stolen, or broken, especially if you have any data that was important or expensive. Also, many people want to enjoy their iPod files from several different locations. Transferring them to iTunes allows users to view them from their personal computers.

Is it difficult to transfer your files with the Cucusoft software? On the contrary, it is as simple as can be and takes only four easy steps.

How to get music off your iPod and onto iTunes quickly and easily?

Step 1. First, install and run the software on your PC.

Step 2. Second, connect your iPod to your personal computer.

Step 3. Third, click on 'Select Files' and select your files.

Step 4. Last, click "Start Transfer" and download your files.

This program ensures the safety of your data by allowing you to back them up and store them in another location. Cucusoft iPod to Computer Transfer Software gives iPod owners a method of protecting their data and files, making it a great choice for all iPod enthusiasts.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Shield Firewall

Without a firewall , your computer is basically an "open door" to hackers. All private information such as passwords, credit card numbers you've used for online purchases and documents that you don't want to share with anyone are all available for hackers to steal. Whether you have a dial-up, broadband or DSL connection, every minute that your computer is connected to the Internet, it is at risk.

The Shield Firewall is a personal firewall that keeps your personal data private and safe from Internet hackers and data thieves and prevent identity theft.

With an easy-to-understand user interface and pre-set security levels, you can protect your PC and keep hackers away for a faster, safer Internet experience.

What is a Firewall and Why do i need it?

A firewall is a type of software that monitors all incoming network traffic while you're online and allows in only the connections that are known and trusted.

Without a firewall, your computer is basically an "open door" to hackers. All of your private information such as passwords, credit card numbers you've used for online purchases and documents that you don't want to share with anyone are all available for hackers to steal. Whether you have a dial-up, broadband or DSL connection, every minute that your computer is connected to the Internet, it is at risk.

Many people mistakenly think that the anti-virus software that came with their PC protects them completely from hackers. But anti-virus software does nothing to secure your computer against direct hacker attacks.

The Shield Firewall Features:

'Clean Slate' secures your private information

The Shield Firewall's 'Clean Slate' function deletes all of your private information from the hard drive including credit card numbers, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. It also deletes all of your cookies, histories, temporary Internet files, URL history, auto-match list, temporary system files, recently viewed pages, 'run' command history and password records.

Advanced scheduling features

The Shield Firewall users have the capability of scheduling a specific time period in which the PC is allowed to be online.

Tracking records all activity

The Shield Firewall records all network activities, allowing you to see any events or actions that have occurred on your computer.

Intruder Alerts

Only the applications to which you grant authorization are able to connect to the Internet. If an unauthorized connection is attempted, a pop-up message alerts you. This prevents viruses such as "Trojan Horse" from sharing your personal information online without your approval.

Pre-set security level

Users do not need to understand how the firewall works in order to use it. Its pre-defined security levels start protecting your system immediately upon installation.

One button disconnect

Allows you to stop or resume all network connections to or from your system with one simple click.


Disconnects your PC automatically if the system is idle for a pre-set amount of time. Disconnecting from the network ensures security since no one else will be able to connect to your computer.

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Monday, July 20, 2009

McAfee AntiSpyware

Enterprise-level spyware protection for your business

Protect your users and systems from spyware before it gets a foothold. Reduce the risks associated with spyware-identity theft, network corruption, loss of productivity, and slower Internet access-with industrial-strength McAfee AntiSpyware. Our award-winning on-access scanning technology stops spyware in its tracks before it can compromise confidential information and slow down your business.


Optimized for business

McAfee AntiSpyware meets the scalability and management requirements of businesses; it offers proactive protection against potentially unwanted programs that may affect your network, your users, and your productivity Detects and keeps spyware out before it's too late

Block and defeat spyware before it can install and multiply using McAfee AntiSpyware's unique on-access scanning technology Keep your users and systems free of spyware

Stop the latest known spyware; McAfee's AntiSpyware's signature files get daily updates from McAfee Avert® Labs Find and stop unknown spyware without having to wait for updated lists

You can't just wait for updated spyware signature files; McAfee AntiSpyware uses behavioral-based heuristic technology to detect and block as-yet-unknown spyware Features:

On-access scanning

Detects and blocks spyware before it installs and spreads; scans processes and files running in memory to neutralize them before they take root because removing one process from memory is faster than trying to remove dozens of spawned applications Stops spyware and viruses efficiently

McAfee AntiSpyware stops both spyware and viruses when it's integrated with McAfee VirusScan®; they share a single scanning engine to reduce system overhead and increase system performance Scan for spyware in the registry and files

It effectively blocks annoying spyware reinstallation because it scans for both registry entries and files; it removes damaging security threats and annoying adware popups that can disrupt productivity

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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Norton Ghost description

Automatically backs up and recovers everything on your computer

Norton Ghost provides advanced backup and recovery for your computer. Protect your documents, financial records, presentations, photos, music, videos, historical documents, or any other kinds of data you keep on your computer by making a backup of your computer's entire hard disk. Or, limit your backup to include only those files and folders that mean the most to you.

You can schedule backups to capture your changes automatically as you work from day to day. Or start a backup manually at any time. You can also easily configure Norton Ghost to run a backup in response to specific events. For example, a backup can be started when a particular application is started, or when a specified amount of new data has been added to the drive.

When you experience a problem with your computer, you can restore a file, folder, or an entire drive, to return your computer to a previous, working state with the operating system, applications, and data files intact. Or if you accidently delete a personal file, get it back with a few simple steps.

Using easy-to-follow wizards, set up fast and reliable backups that run while you continue to work. Or schedule your backups to run after hours when you are no longer using your computer.

When disaster strikes, Norton Ghost helps you recover your computer from the effects of many common problems, including

• Virus attacks: Damage might be done before a virus is quarantined.

• Faulty software installations: Some software can negatively affect your computer's performance, slowing it down to the point that opening programs or documents can require too much time. But once installed, uninstalling a product might not recover unintentional damage done during an install.

• Hard drive failure: Data can become corrupted on your system drive (typically C), making it impossible to start your operating system

• Files accidentally deleted or overwritten: Accidental deletion of files is common, but often costly.

• Corrupted files: Individual files and folders can become corrupted by viruses, or when a program used to modify them encounters an error

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Spotmau PowerSuite Professional 2009

This all-in-one suite offers you a complete solution to solve all your computer problems in an easy way.

Boot up ANY desktop and laptop;

Easily recover/install ALL Windows;

Create, delete and format partitions on your hard disk; backup partition table;

Reset Windows Admin/User password;

Find or clear BIOS/CMOS password;

Find your lost password for Email, MSN, IE and asterisks;

Find you Windows, Office and IE product or CD keys;

Optimize, clean and speed up system;

Clean up history and protect privacy;

Manage daily time and business schedule.

Recover/transfer your important data when your Windows was crashed or the hard disk was formatted/damaged;

Clone and backup the entire system including Windows, programs and files, so that you can restore them in the event of system crash or hard disk troubles.

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Acer Group to Bundle Nero 9 Essentials on All Desktop PCs

Nero solution to be included with Acer, Gateway, Packard Bell, and eMachines branded desktop computers with the introduction of the Windows 7 OS in Q4 2009

Karlsbad, Germany - (July 14th, 2009)-Nero, creators of liquid media technology, today expanded their relationship with Acer Group, one of the world's largest PC manufacturers. By the end of 2009, Acer Group will bundle Nero 9 Essentials, an OEM version of the Nero 9 integrated digital media and home entertainment software suite, on all desktop systems sold globally, including the Acer, Gateway, Packard Bell and eMachines brands.

"Consumers need to be able to take their new system out of the box and complete tasks like burning music or videos with ease, and share their favourite digital content with friends and family," said Jackson Lin, vice president of Global Strategic Alliance, IT Products Global Operations at Acer Group. " Nero 9 Essentials gives them a quick and easy way to jump right into enjoying the power and functionality of their new computer."

Currently, all Packard Bell branded desktop and notebook computers are bundled with the award-winning burning solution. By including Nero 9 Essentials on all desktop systems in the Acer Group family, consumers will be able to easily burn CDs and DVDs and access the easy-to-use Nero StartSmart 9 Essentials interface for navigating through the product's features. The Nero Toolkit provides the industry standard for testing and benchmarking optical recording drives. With LabelFlash, consumers can easily personalize CDs and DVDs with custom inscriptions of text or photos.

"Customer feedback guides the design of each of our offerings. As a result, we've built a strong worldwide reputation of providing solid solutions for consumers to enjoy their content at home, on-the-go, and online," said Hyder Rabbani, senior vice president of Worldwide OEM Sales at Nero. "The bundling of the Nero 9 Essentials software with Acer computers takes advantage of the new Windows 7 operating systems and delivers a computer optimized for the today's PC users."

Acer Group desktop owners will be able to upgrade to the full Nero 9 suite with a special discount offer, along with other Nero products including Nero BackItUp & Burn, Nero MediaHome and Nero Move it.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

McAfee AntiSpyware

Ease of Setup/Use:

For a company with such a good reputation, we were disappointed in McAfee Anti-Spyware's feature set. Although the program offers many useful features-like Scan Scheduling, Auto Updates and Real-Time Tracking-it's missing assets such as spyware/adware descriptions and threat levels; these help you determine whether the detected spyware and adware are dangerous or benign.

Detection Effectiveness:

McAfee Anti-Spyware missed much of the spyware and adware we tested. Though marginally effective, this is not software that we recommend to those looking for high-level spyware and adware protection.

Removal Effectiveness:

McAfee Anti-Spyware is simple to use. With few customizable features, McAfee is simple for novices.

System Performance:

There are few customization tools in McAfee Anti-Spyware. You can enable and disable Real-Time Tracking abilities, but that's it.

Scan Performance:

Once you receive delivery of McAfee Anti-Spyware , installation is easy but time-consuming-the installation had us restart our computer three times before the install was completed, which we felt excessive.


McAfee supports their products in several different ways: a FAQs page, email support and a convenient live chat feature online. However, when we contacted McAfee, their staff could not answer many of our questions.


Although it's easy to use and comes with fairly good help support, McAfee Anti-Spyware just doesnât do well enough detecting and removing spyware to receive our recommendation. For the same amount of money, we recommend Aluria Anti-Spyware, a top-notch spyware program that is effective against spyware and adware.

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Buy Cheap Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended

Download Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended

Product Overview:


* Boost your productivity with a streamlined interface, enhancements to raw-image processing and asset management workflows, and more * Experience unrivaled editing power with nondestructive filters, more precise color-correction controls, and more powerful cloning and healing tools * Easily create rich composites using new tools for automatically aligning and blending layers and making quick selections * 3D and motion support with the ability to edit 3D content and incorporate it into 2D compositions, paint and clone over multiple video frames, and more * Comprehensive image analysis with new image measurement and counting tools , MATLAB integration, and DICOM file support

System requirements:

* Intel Pentium 4, Intel Centrino, Intel Xeon, or Intel Core Duo (or compatible) processor * Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise (certified for 32-bit editions) * 512MB of RAM * 64MB of video RAM * 1GB of available hard-disk space (additional free space required during installation) * 1,024x768 monitor resolution with 16-bit video card * DVD-ROM drive

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Monday, July 13, 2009

Download Accelerator Plus

Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) is the world's most popular download manager, with over 170 million users worldwide. DAP accelerates your download speed so you can get all your favorite files, applications, and videos as fast as possible. Additionally, DAP features powerful privacy, security, and file management tools letting you download with confidence and flexibility. DAP is easy to use, working automatically with your web browser to provide the fastest download speed possible. DAP 9.1 has been enhanced with the most requested features to provide an even better download experience. Downloading is safer in DAP 9.1 with innovative new download security powered by SpeedBit's Multi Antivirus (MAV) Analysis. In DAP 9.1 you can now choose your Download Style, with Internet Explorer style downloading, that lets you get files with Download Windows, and Firefox style downloading, that presents all your downloads in a Download list. DAP is also being translated into multiple languages by users working on the DAP Wiki project, and support for Internet Explorer 8 and Windows 7 has been added. Additionally, expansions are available for DAP that provide for downloading and acceleration of your favorite videos from YouTube and other popular video sites.

This download manager brings much more to the table than fast file transfers, but it definitely delivers those, too. Increased download speeds are Download Accelerator Plus's bread and butter, speeding up downloads by almost 200 percent in most cases and occasionally as high as 400 percent.

Besides splitting files into smaller pieces, it thrives on automatically seeking faster mirrors. It also can get a file simultaneously from several sites, which is useful if a particular site limits the download speed; it can resume downloads; and it can preview some media files while downloading . There's also a blacklist for sites that you never want to accept downloads from, and categorized folders and filters to keep your downloads organized. DAP rolls in a media buffer, too, that allegedly will prevent streaming-video hiccups. Ensuring that you're running the latest version of the Adobe Flash player won't hurt, either.

Two new features include a UI change that lets users choose a Firefox- or Internet Explorer-styled download window, and integration with DAP's publisher's video converter. Downloading and converting video on the fly is a pretty smart way to keep the program fresh. The program will prompt you at your first attempt if you don't have the converter installed and guide you through its installation. Frustratingly, the install process will weigh you down with a ton of toolbars, default switches, and e-mail recommendations that you must opt out of for a clean installation.

Although it's heavy with ads and promotions, DAP is still a good choice for adding some heat to your typical download recipe.

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Shield Firewall

The Shield Firewall 5.0

The Shield Firewall 5.0 is the multi-layered security application that keeps hackers out and personal information in.

Built from the ground upwards with your security in mind, this award winning firewall constantly monitors and defends your system from inbound and outbound attacks. Version 5.0 now features a fully fledged Host Intrusion Prevention System to protect your critical operating system files and block viruses and malware before they ever get the chance to install.

It features a friendly graphical user interface; highly granular configuration options; easily understood and informative alerts; wizard-based detection of trusted zones and much more. The Shield Firewall 5.0 delivers enterprise class protection and can be used 'out of the box' - so even the most inexperienced users will not have to deal with complex configuration issues after installation.

PCSecurityShield provides free technical support for The Shield Firewall 5.0 customers as well as all PCSecurityShield products. The Shield Firewall 5.0 is Vista Compatible

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

STOPzilla Anti-Spyware

STOPzilla Anti-Spyware Detects , removes and quarantines Spyware and Adware in Real-time that protect you from surfing.

You want to protect yourself from Spyware and Adware?

Detects, removes and quarantines Spyware and Adware in Real-time.

Automatic Spyware scanning or set scan scheduler as you like.

Can be set to update automatically or on demand for optimal protection.

Advanced Pop-up protection blocks ads that protect you from surfing.

Award-winning technology (5 cow rated) detects malicious software instantly. Comprehensive Online Security.

STOPzilla Anti-Spyware safely detects and removes Spyware, Adware, Popup Ads, Phishing Attacks, browser hijackers, Rootkits, Trojans, botnet attacks, Drive-By Downloads, Rogue Programs, malicious Web sites and much more. Install STOPzilla Anti-Spyware, your computer will be secure .

Purchase the software now and receive all future updates and technology support free of charge.

Why choose STOPzilla Anti-Spyware ?

Easy to use - Customize and it is easier than ever. Whether you are a veteran or a beginner, you will feel it was designed for you.

User-friendly interface - STOPzilla Anti-Spyware contains an extremely user-friendly interface enabling you to work intuitively.

Powerful function - Automatic update everyday. Detects, removes and quarantines Spyware and Adware in Real-time.

30 Days Money Back Guarantee - If you're not satisfied, you don't lose anything.

Key Features and Benefits:

Award-winning Technology

STOPzilla successfully scans, removes and blocks Spyware, Adware, Pop-up ads, Phishing attacks, hijackers, rootkits, Trojans, bots, drive-by downloads, rogue programs, messenger service ads, keyloggers, malicious BHOs, dialers, and much more.

Scans, Removes, and Blocks Spyware in Real-time

STOPzilla's Real-Time protection detects, blocks, and quarantines both known and potential Spyware infections before they can attack your system and do damage.

Most advanced Pop-up blocker available

STOPzilla's highly advanced Pop-up blocker intercepts and destroys all forms of Pop-up advertisements while allowing user-requested Pop-ups to display.

Simple to use

STOPzilla has been specifically designed to perform effectively regardless the user's level of computer expertise. Upon boot-up, STOPzilla starts and requires very little user interaction.

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