Monday, September 22, 2008

There's no way to prevent ID theft, but you can become less vulnerable!!!

There is no real way to prevent someone from stealing your identity or swiping financial and personal information, unless you have no bank accounts, credit cards orSocial Security number.

Let's deal with the good news. Consumers can take certain solid steps to protect themselves, to make identity theft less likely and to make their financial data less vulnerable.

"There's no slam dunk, 100 percent way to prevent identity theft," said Adam Levin, a former NewJersey Consumer Affairs director and chairman of Identity Theft 911, an Arizona company that provides advice, education and assistance about how to recover from identity theft. "The best people can do is mitigate their risk."

Even when large-scale identity theft occurs -- such as the case exposed last week involving hackers who stole more than 40 million credit and debit card numbers -- the odds of having your identity lifted are still small, experts said.

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