Thursday, September 4, 2008

Internet TV broadcaster targets MIDs!!!!!

Internet TV (ITV) service provider Move Networks announced anITV media player optimized formobile Internet devices (MIDs) based on the Intel Atom and the Linux-based Moblin stack. The Move Media Player for MIDs will deliver video from partners like ABC, Fox, and ESPN

The Move network uses an "adaptive streaming" technique that is said to adapt the quality of video streams to available bandwidth. Move divides video files into small segments called creates multiple copies encoded at different bit rates. Each Move Player client reports back to the web servers on available bandwidth, and as the stream progresses, the system chooses the best possible streamlet version to fit the bandwidth. This enables even HD-quality video to scale with good quality to a mass audience, claims Move.

Internet TV has arrived. Join thousands of others who are watching live Internet TV and recorded video. Unlike other sites that require you to download software or purchase hardware, you can simply search or browse through our directory of sites and start watching TV on the Internet using a standard media player.

My Internet TV' is an internet tv player which uses the Windows Media Player engine. The list of TV channels includes hundreds of stations from all around the world.

There are three viewing mode, including full screen, you can add channels to a list of favorites and you can search for channels.

Among it's features, I was able to spot a very interesting one. A preview window in which you can preview a channel while you are already watching one on its main player. This works as a PIP (picture in picture) feature on a regular TV set.


Drawbacks / flaws: Many channels aren't working. There's no option for updating the list of channels nor to manually add channels.

In conclusion: I believe this program still needs some improvement in order to become a competitive Internet TV player.

My Internet TV is YOUR free TV on your PC. Watch hundreds of free TV channels from countries of all world in different languages. No TV Tuner Card, no satellite or other hardware: only your internet connection and you'll be connected to a wonderful world of news, sport, video and music.


1 My Internet TV 4.0 - " Editor's Review Award"

- 3 stars out of 5 (Good)

- this product was tested in the labs on: 11/29/2007.

2 My Internet TV 4.0 - " 100% CLEAN" AWARD

This product was tested in the labs on: 06/04/2007. Soft32 guarantees that on the date of test, My Internet TV 4.0 was found 100% CLEAN, which means that does not contain any form of malware (spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors). However, be advised, that this product will be re-tested periodically and the award may be withdrawn, so you should check back this page.

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