Monday, March 17, 2008

Wonderful game!!!!!!

I applaud basing a game on a classic novel; I think there are some major problems with this game. As the first one to weigh in on this game, I have to respond to Gabby. I'm hardly a rookie, and I also found Big City Adventure - Sydney to be very easy. My problen with the Count of Monte Cristo not that it's difficult but poorly-designed. The good games add difficulty by cleverly hiding the objects or by providing a description that requires some thought (e.g. asking you to find two spades and making one of them a shovel and the other a playing card). The Count of Monte Cristo takes the easy way out - it makes it difficult by just blurring the scene and making everything blend together. It also doesn't have the clever, thought-provoking mini-games as are found in the Prime Suspect games, still the gold standard in my opinion. So, Gabby, I'm happy for you that you liked The Count of Monte Cristo but I think the designers took the easy way out and slapped a game together to get in on the hidden object gravy train. Wonderful game!!!!!!

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