Sunday, September 11, 2011

Anyone here?what's the Rare drop mounts in WOW?

Anyone here?what's the Rare drop mounts in WOW?

If I understand correctly, what you want is very rare.

Ashes of Al'ar

Swift Zulian Tiger

Fiery Warhorse Reins

Swift Razzashi Raptor

Deathcharger Reins

Reins of the Raven Lord

Black Qiraji Battle Tank

Amani War Bear

Swift White Hawkstrider

The mounts above are rare.However you can get your desired mounts simply by purchasing online.

Well,i love my x-53 touring rocket bought online two weeks ago!my friends recommend me a trusted place.It's cheap and safe!Then we together bought wow gold&items many years there. My information will never be abused or revealed to anyone else.It's totally safe.Furthermore, I'm satisfied with their sincere service and professional manner!I trust it. I bought 80k last week and lots of bonus gold for free! $1.6/1000G!Excited!!!!

Friend, if you can also have a try.

Well to name just a few of the easier ones...

Rivendare's Deathcharger - Stratholme

Raven Lord - Heroic Sethekk Halls

Blue Proto Drake - Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle

These 3 are soloable pretty easily with your averagely geared level 85 character... if you are looking for more of a challenge you could do Ashes of Alar from Tempest Keep... or Invincible from the Heroic Lich King 25 man encounter.

Hope helped =)


playing wow alot

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