Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Is cheaprs2gold.com a best place to buy runescape gold?

Is cheaprs2gold.com a best place to buy runescape gold?

i saw their ads,but i don't know if it's safe or not.have you ever bought from it?

hi,friend.i never bought from cheaprs2gold.com.sorry,i don't like to buy from an unknown place.honestly,i have bought runescape gold online many times with my friends.My friends recommend me a trusted place. It's cheapest and safest! Then we together bought runescape gold many years there.


My information will never be abused or revealed to anyone else.It's totally safe. Furthermore, I'm satisfied with their sincere service and professional manner!I trust it.I bought 50m runescape gold and got bonus runescape gold for free! My orders was completed within 30 mins.cool!Excited!!!! Friend, if you can also have a try.

Hope this helps! =)playing rs alot

3 people rated this as good

Monday, March 19, 2012

has anyone used the guy4game power leveling service?

This is a brand new start, everything has changed, get better or get worse. Do Your WOW keep the same level as usual? Or you have to keep faraway from keyboard? Please don't let your characters drop behind!

Guy4game thanks for your support, so we will reward our customers with up to 15% off for WOW Powerleveling!

Buy WOW Power Leveling--->>Click Here

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Is cheap rs2 gold a best place to buy gold?

I have been waiting for gold, I bought it from cheaprs2gold.com, I got it 3 days later!OMG,that is annoying, not OK. If you really wanna buy gold,I'd like to recommend to you a site which my friends recommend to me.


Really love this website, have only used it so far for buying gold. In total i've probably bought between $400-$500 worth of gold from this site. Deliveries have always been fast on average around 5-10 minutes and the staff is EXCELLENT.

My friends and i all use them for runescape gold!Never had any probs!friend, if you can also have a try.

Hope this helps! =)

Friday, March 2, 2012

How To Buy Wow Gold Safe With Google Checkout In World Of Warcraft?

World Of Warcraft Players in the game are often united in groups when fighting against enemies. They will have a sense of achievement is they defeat the opponents. But if they were defeated they will feel frustrated. They will spare no efforts to revenge. The main currency used in the World of Warcraft is called Wow gold. With gold, the players can become powerful. They can buy new weapons and other good items. A lot of materials will be needed if they want to level up their characters.

If you have no world of warcraft gold, it could be difficult to level up. In addition, if you run out of world of warcraft gold it will be difficult to stock up again. You are able to solve this problem by buying wow gold safe from the internet.

I have some instructions for to about how to buy Wow gold safe from the internet. You should screen out a good Wow gold selling website before you place an order.

1.Navigate to the Wow store (see Resources below) and log into your account. If you do not have an account click "Signup" and type in your name, email address and contact information. Create a password and click "Signup" to create your account.

2.Search for the WoW gold you want to purchase and click "Buy."

3.Type in your name and email address on the "Order information" page. Type in your character name and select your trade address in the "Trade Address" window.

4.Select "Google Checkout" under "Please choose payment method." Click "Confirm and Go For Paying."

5.Click "Pay by Google Checkout" and sign into your Google account. If you do not have a Google account, type in your name, contact information, email address and billing information under "Create a Google Account" to continue.

6.Click "I agree and continue" to create the account. Review your purchase and click "Place your order now" to complete your purchase.

Buy WOW Gold with Google Checkout----->>> Click Here

Is it safe to buy wow gold without getting my account banned?

Is it safe to buy wow gold without getting my account banned?

have you bought wow gold before.is it safe to buy it online?where can i find a reliable place to buy wow gol?would you like to give my some suggestions?thank you very much.lol

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

by Jaco

Honestly speaking, there isn't a real utter way to prevent your account getting banned. But you can use a safe website that can provide you a safe way to buy gold .At least, my brothers buy gold for a very long time. and there is nothing happened to their account .Their information will never be abused or revealed to anyone else.It's totally safe.Friend, if you can also have a try.best of luck!


playing wow 3 years

Asker's Comment:

thanks for your opinion,some game players said ,this website:http://www.guy4game.com/world-of-warcraft-us/wow-gold/?aid=1899very good!they said:All were well deliveried within 15 mins of time.so fast. ITs a great website and 100% legit.is it real? let me think!!