Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Is Guy4Game a best place to buy gold?Is guy4game safe to buy from?

Is Guy4Game a best place to buy gold?Is guy4game safe to buy from?

Guy4game Reviews-Lowest Price and Fastest Delivery on the Market! offers cheap WOW Goldfor all who love World of Warcraft. They offer the lowest price and the fastest delivery on the market!

Every day thousands of customers come to buy WOW Gold at their store because of its cheap price .Their store has a large volume of wow gold in stock. Buy World of Warcraft gold anytime you want to. guarantees wow gold with fast delivery. Their fast delivery is another reason to buy cheap WOW Gold at They will provide you with really cheap WOW Gold in wow, so that you can go back to the battle immediately.

Why still hesitate? Come to join them!

Anyone here?Is it safe to buy rs gold without paypal at Guy4game?

Is Guy4Game best place to buy rs gold? Is it safe to buy rs gold without paypal at Guy4game?

Yep, I recommend it. i bought all RS gold from it, it is 6 years site.

RS GOLD REVIEWS: Guy4Game Review

Guy4Game Review - Is Guy4Game a safe and cheap seller?. Is Guy4Game a reliable company to buy from? Is Guy4Game best place to buy rs gold? All answer here.

Guy4game is good site to buy rs gold or farming RS gold. They been up since 2006 and already earned the solid reputation from its customer. Guy4game is known for smooth and safe deliveries. They can deliver your order rs gold within 24hrs, pretty much realistic rather than other sites that you can have your rs gold in 15mins in the press release. Note that Guy4game is big company, even they are big and has lot of manpower the customer's order coming in is really a massive volume.

What kind of payment gateways you usually use? PayPal or credit card ? Some people want to buy rs gold without paypal but by credit card directly. This is possible. Because for most of the online game gold stores, they accept paypal and credit card payment. If you want buy rs gold with credit card , you can choose the payment gateways by following the site directions. Usually paypal will be the default processor to handle deals paid by credit card.Even though you does not have any paypal account, you can choose paypal as the default payment option. On the coming page after checkout page, you can fill in your card information and then pay for the transaction instantly!

Is's totally safe to buy rs gold without paypal at

5 years runescape player! Hope helped! lol

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Monday, August 29, 2011

i love WOW very much, but i dont know where i can buy wow gold and items? PLZ help!!!thx,

Q:i love WOW very much, but i dont know where i can buy wow gold and items? PLZ help!!!thx

A:Hey, i would love to answer ur qestion , cuz i wanna share with u my wow gold online purchasing experience.

My friends recommend me a trusted place. It's cheapest and safest! Then we together bought wow gold&wowitems many years there. My information will never be abused or revealed to anyone else.It's totally safe. Furthermore, I'm satisfied with their sincere service and professional manner!I trust it.

I bought $100 wow goldlast week for my yonger bro.

Hope i'v helped, best of luck!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

is guy4game a safe website to buy world of warcraft gold from?

is guy4game a safe website to buy world of warcraft gold from?

i was going to buy some goldis this a safe website have you ever bought from here any advice is appreatiated

You should buy your goldfrom a safe company ,in my opinion the company which runs for a long time is much safer than those short time company. Many company ask you to order, but when you have ordered, they tell you they have no stock now, and ask you to wait. Waiting is painful.

You can judge by yourself.

Buy wow goldfor 3 years. It is cheap enough, and it is safe too. they will give a chart for gold avg. price for wow gold, i think they are safer than others.

What's your favourite WOW Character?

Q:What's your favourite WOW Character?

i wanna buy a lvl85 wow character.Is it safe? I worried about my account would be reclaimed after purchasing.Help,plz.any advice is appreatiated

A:Guy4Game is a good place to buy WOW ACCOUNTS.

Buy wow gold for 3 years. It is cheap enough, and it is safe too. they will give a chart for gold avg. price for wow gold , i think they are safer than others.

Hope helped =)

Help?Anyone here? Is Guy4game a safest place to buy Aion Kinah?

Q:Help?Anyone here? Is Guy4game a safest place to buy Aion Kinah?

A:Yep, it is safe enough to buy Aion Kinahat Guy4game.i recommend u here

Actually, I have bought some Aion Kinahfor times because I didn't have much time really during my work. And it brought me a great of fun. Lol Fortunately, I didn't get hacked or banned by buying aion kinahso. Personally I think the reason why I didn't get caught is that I chose a reliable siteto purchase Aion Kinah. If you are interested in, I will tell you this site.

i bought all Aion Kinahfrom it, it is 6 years site. Hope i'v helped, best of luck!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Do you know a safe place to buy WOW Items?How about ?

Do you know a safe place to buy WOW Items?How about ?

OMG, it is really a terrible thing.I have bought from they are very slow, i got my wow gold 3 days later, if you want to buy wow items. i'd like to recommend to you a best site which my friends recommend to me.

My friends recommend me a trusted place.Then we together bought wow gold and items many years there. My information will never be abused or revealed to anyone else.It's totally safe. Furthermore, I'm satisfied with their sincere service and professional manner! I trust it. Friend, if you can also have a try.

Guy4Game is a best place to buy wow boe items, they always send my boe gear about 2 hours or less.

Hope i'v helped, best of luck!

Is it safe to buy RuneScape Accountsfrom guy4game?

Q:Is it safe to buy RuneScape Accountsfrom guy4game?

A:YEP,I bought runescape accounts from it. it is cheaper than others. I got 30% discounts! Only $20! they done a good job. lol, i love my accountfrom it.

I'd like to recommend to you a site which my friends recommend to me. It is cheap enough, and it is safe too. you can contact the live chat, if you have any questions.

Guy4game have prepared RuneScape Accounts for our customers. The accounts include high melee accounts, pure accounts and skill accounts made by our professional team. At the initial stage of this service all accounts are 30% discounted. Get your ideal account for only $20! For more details: RuneScape Accounts.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

ia guy4game a safe website to buy world of warcraft gold from?

ia guy4game a safe website to buy world of warcraft gold from?

i was going to buy some gold is this a safe website have you ever bought from here any advice is appreatiated

You should buy your gold from a safe company ,in my opinion the company which runs for a long time is much safer than those short time company. Many company ask you to order, but when you have ordered, they tell you they have no stock now, and ask you to wait. Waiting is painful.

You can judge by yourself.

Buy wow gold for 3 years. It is cheap enough, and it is safe too. they will give a chart for gold avg. price for wow gold , i think they are safer than others.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Is it fast to make Aion Kinah ingame?

Hi, buddy. I find the best and easiest methods to get kinahingame:

1. "Making friends with the Trade Brokers". This stands for the Auction House manipulation method I apply to other games. This is like in the real economy. It is all about buying low and selling high. For this to work you need to investigate the market and learn a little bit (or more than a little bit) of the server's supply and demand. Learn to dominate your server and create monopoly for the items on demand, and this will bring you cash.

2. Also gathering makes a great answer to your question. Even if they might not be so expensive, resources are always on high demand, because players need them for crafting. I found that the best resources to gather and sell are the low level ones and the high level ones. The middle level once are tend to sell harder. Contact the crafters and offer them to supply the resources in high quantities and at a reasonable prices. This way you know that your good will sell faster. You even can get orders from the "hardcore" crafters.

3. Grinding. If you're going to try to make a living in Atreia just by killing mobs and selling the loot, this will be tough. Still, you can make nice profit if you know what mobs to kill for their loot. A great tip here, sometimes items with low utility value can be very expensive because they look very cool. So check out your loot twice before vendoring it. Also, I suggest to kill the mobs that drop consistent and regular loot, and have chances to drop rare items too. This way, you can count on a decent amount of cash and if you are lucky, you hit the jackpot.

These are just the basics of kinahmaking. Sometimes I found it's kinda boring and hard for me to keep doing dailies and things like that. Actually, I have bought some kinahfor times because I didn't have much time really during my work. And it brought me a great of fun. Lol Fortunately, I didn't get hacked or banned by buying kinahso. Personally I think the reason why I didn't get caught is that I chose a reliable siteto purchase kinah. If you are interested in, I will tell you this site.

i bought all Aion Kinahfrom it, it is 6 years site. Hope i'v helped, best of luck


Monday, August 8, 2011

What is the fastest way to make Aion Kinahingame?

What is the fastest way to make Aion Kinahingame?

Hi, buddy. I find the best and easiest methods to get kinah ingame:

1. "Making friends with the Trade Brokers". This stands for the Auction House manipulation method I apply to other games. This is like in the real economy. It is all about buying low and selling high. For this to work you need to investigate the market and learn a little bit (or more than a little bit) of the server's supply and demand. Learn to dominate your server and create monopoly for the items on demand, and this will bring you cash.

2. Also gathering makes a great answer to your question. Even if they might not be so expensive, resources are always on high demand, because players need them for crafting. I found that the best resources to gather and sell are the low level ones and the high level ones. The middle level once are tend to sell harder. Contact the crafters and offer them to supply the resources in high quantities and at a reasonable prices. This way you know that your good will sell faster. You even can get orders from the "hardcore" crafters.

3. Grinding. If you're going to try to make a living in Atreia just by killing mobs and selling the loot, this will be tough. Still, you can make nice profit if you know what mobs to kill for their loot. A great tip here, sometimes items with low utility value can be very expensive because they look very cool. So check out your loot twice before vendoring it. Also, I suggest to kill the mobs that drop consistent and regular loot, and have chances to drop rare items too. This way, you can count on a decent amount of cash and if you are lucky, you hit the jackpot.

These are just the basics of kinah making. Sometimes I found it's kinda boring and hard for me to keep doing dailies and things like that. Actually, I have bought some kinah for times because I didn't have much time really during my work. And it brought me a great of fun. Lol Fortunately, I didn't get hacked or banned by buying kinah so. Personally I think the reason why I didn't get caught is that I chose a reliable site to purchase kinah. If you are interested in, I will tell you this site.

Hope helped! lol

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Well, anyone here? Could I Buy Wow Time Cards Directly From Their Website?

Well, anyone here? Could I Buy Wow Time Cards Directly From Their Website?

Take it easy!Yep, This site:

i bought all keys from it, it is 6 years site. Hope i'v helped, best of luck!

they will send your code to your email, usually, i receive my code soon, just after order it, you can check your mail.i'm satisfied with their sincere service and professional manner!I trust it.

Can I buy the expansion Of Wow Cataclysm and use it without having Wotlk?

Help urgent!Can I Buy The Expansion Of Wow Cataclysm And Use It Without Having Wotlk?


I want to buy WOW cataclysm but i have been told that its just an expansion and that i need to buy one of the previous games in order for it to work. also i have been told that not only would i have to purchase the game package itself, but i have to continue purchasing monthly for the game to continue working or something like that :S

Best Answer:

You need all the previous expansions to run cataclysm... However blizzard does a deal and sells the previous versions for really cheap. So you can go to and make an account and then download all the games up to cataclysm and start the download right away after paying. After you have bought the original games the monthly subscription fee is $15. It's a fair price for the amount of time you can spend in the game.

Hope i'v helped, best of luck!, i recommend a site:

i bought all WOW expansions from it, it is 6 years site. hope helped =)good luck!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Guy4game a SCAM,Really?

Is guy4game a scam?

Today,I am taking a little time to review a MMORPG Services provider from Guy4game.There are tons of websites selling MMORPG currency as far as i am concerned and one of them is guy4game. There are many fraudulent activities,unpleasant dealings and complaints we have heard all over the internet connecting to MMORPG Currency Seller. In light of this matter,i would like to share a review of guy4game Services.So let us continue with our review.

Who is Guy4game?

Guy4game was founded in 2004. Their central office is in Changchun, China and from the pictures we saw is quiet modern and advanced.

What do they Sell?

Whatever popular online games you name it,ranged from Runescape to Aion Online.

Is it good to do business with Guy4game?

You should feel safe and secure to shop at guy4game.They are highly recommended and one of the leader in MMORPG Services Provider.Just visit their Live Chat,I get superfast response.Awesome guys!

Should I shop at Guy4game Now?

Why not ? Buy all your wow gold,aion online kinah,ffxi Gil,Lineage 2 Adenas from the one of best service site ever~!

Is it safe to buy RS ACCOUNTS from Guy4game?

Guy4game Runescape Accounts It is Safe!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

WOW TCG Review

WOW TCG Review

I'd like to publish the Top sites, the most trusted, safest and fastest selling sites for Wow Gold, WOW TCG, Wow Accounts and WOW Power leveling.

After conducting a careful study and research about the leading sites selling Wow Gold, WOW TCG, Wow Power Leveling, WOW Accounts, we have now come up with a list of the most trusted sites selling the above mentioned items that you must be searching for. Here is the list of the Top Wow Store:

Best Wow TCGs Store

Live Support: 9 Points (Great!)

Delivery: 10 Points (Great!)

Safe Model: 10 Points (Great!)

Price:10 Points (Great!)

Help!!! help urgent!!What is the fastest way to make runescape gold ingame?

Help!!! help urgent!!What is the fastest way to make runescape gold ingame?Hi, buddy. I find the best and easiest methods to get rs gold ingame:

1. First you need to log in to your runescape account.

2. Then go to the castle in Varrock

3. At the entrance there is guards, you can either kill them or you can wait for other people to kill them

4. The guards will drop grapes in pairs of 3 once in a while . Try to get your inventory full with grapes.

5. Once you have your invet. full go to the GE , and sell them. Make sure to lower the price to 590 or they probably wont sell

6. If you repeat this you will get up to 100k every 25 min or so

Honestly,these are just the basics of rs gold making. Sometimes I found it's kinda boring and hard for me to keep doing dailies and things like that. Actually, I have bought some rs gold for times because I didn't have much time really during my study. And it brought me a great of fun. Lol Fortunately, I didn't get hacked or banned by doing so.

Personally I think the reason why I didn't get caught is that I chose a reliable site to purchase it. If you are interested in, i would like to reommend u here.

Help urgent!Is There Anyway I Could Buy Wow TCG Cards Directly From Their Website?

Q:Is There Anyway I Could Buy Wow TCG Cards Directly From Their Website?

Well,I really need Wow TCG Cards.It's better cheap&safe&fast!

A:Take it easy,friend!Yep, This site:

I always buy Wow gold. I used to search cheap wow gold site, and pay for 100k wow gold, but it is banned, the cheapest site is not reliable, and then i used more safe site, and many is safe then cheap.

they will send your code to your email, usually, i receive my code soon.

Quote from Guy4Game:

WOW Items 24 Hours Delivery Guarantee!

We use in-game mail system to do the delivery, so you don't have to transfer your character to other realms. We will try to finish your orders within 24 hours, if we failed to do so, you will be compensated with a coupon equals to 20% of the uncompleted part.

My friends recommend me a trusted place.Then we together bought wow gold and items many years there. My information will never be abused or revealed to anyone else.It's totally safe. Furthermore, I'm satisfied with their sincere service and professional manner! I trust it. Friend, if you can also have a try.

Hope i'v helped, best of luck!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Is Guy4Game A Reliable Place to Buy WOW TCG Cards?

Q:Is Guy4Game A Reliable Place to Buy WOW TCG Cards?

A:I bought some TCG and pieces of 378 boe items for my toon, it is cheaper than others. I bought wow gold and trade skills package from it. they did done a good job. lol, i love my mounts from it.

I'd like to recommend to you a site which my friends recommend to me. It is cheap enough, and it is safe too. you can contact the live chat, if you have any questions.

My friends recommend me a trusted place.Then we together bought wow gold and items many years there. My information will never be abused or revealed to anyone else.It's totally safe. Furthermore, I'm satisfied with their sincere service and professional manner! I trust it. Friend, if you can also have a try.

Guy4Game is a good place to buy wow tcg cards, they always send my tcg codes about 2 hours or less.

Hope i'v helped, best of luck!

A Best Place to Buy Living Ember, Want Living Ember WOW? Act Now!

A Best Place to Buy Living Ember, Want Living Ember WOW? Act Now!

Patch 4.2 New Items are Available for Sale.

Patch 4.2 is coming, do you want to Living Ember and lvl 378 boe items , so choose this safe one, No Transfer Realm. One-Stop Shopping, Go Now.

Buy wow gold for 3 years. It is cheap enough, and it is safe too. they will give a chart for gold avg. price for wow gold , i think they are safer than others.

And they provide mats for wow professions 1-525. Buy Now.

Patch 4.2 New Items are Available for Sale.

Patch 4.2 is coming, do you want to Living Ember and lvl 378 boe items , so choose this safe one, No Transfer Realm. One-Stop Shopping, Go Now.

Buy wow gold for 3 years. It is cheap enough, and it is safe too. they will give a chart for gold avg. price for wow gold , i think they are safer than others.

And they provide mats for wow professions 1-525. Buy Now.

Guy4game is always be right here waiting for

Is It Good to Buy WOW Items from or Which one is better?

Question: Is It Good to Buy WOW Items from or Which one is better?

OMG,I have bought from but it is really a terrible thing, they are very slow, i got my wow gold 3 days later, if you want to buy wow items. i'd like to recommend to you a good site which my friends recommend to me.

My friends recommend me a trusted place.Then we together bought wow gold and items many years there. My information will never be abused or revealed to anyone else.It's totally safe. Furthermore, I'm satisfied with their sincere service and professional manner! I trust it. Friend, if you can also have a try. maybe just 30k gold.

Guy4Game is a good place to buy wow boe items, they always send my boe gear about 2 hours or less.

Hope i'v helped, best of luck!

Where to Buy BoE Items for WOW?


Where to Buy BoE Items for WOW?

I Mean Bind of Equip Gear, I Need some 378 Boe Items.

Best Answer:

Take it easy,my friiend, Gear up your tone now?

I bought some pieces of 378 boe items for my toon, it is faster than in game A.H. I bought wow gold and trade skills package from it. they did done a good job. lol, i love my mounts from it.

I'd like to recommend to you a site which my friends recommend to me. It is cheap enough, and it is safe too. you can contact the live chat, if you have any questions.

My friends recommend me a trusted place.Then we together bought wow gold and items many years there. My information will never be abused or revealed to anyone else.It's totally safe. Furthermore, I'm satisfied with their sincere service and professional manner! I trust it. Friend, if you can also have a try.

Guy4Game is a good place to buy wow boe items, they always send my boe gear about 2 hours or less.

Hope i'v helped, best of luck!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Is Guy4game a scam? Is Guy4game safe? Guy4game or igxe? Which one is better?

Do you wonder which store is reliable? As a wow player, do you dream of low-price, high-quality, and best-service wow gold? Why still hesitate? Anything is possible! Just come to our cheapest wow gold store!

We must choose the safe wow gold site. We all know safe is most important when we buy wow gold. Is Guy4game Safe? If the wow gold or wow powerleveling service is not safe, although the price is cheap, we would lose all the money which we purchase. And our wow accounts maybe get banned.

Guy4game is the trusted store for virtual currency and online game services. If you need any wow gold, wow accounts, wow power leveling, wow items, wow gears, wow CD keys .Have a visit at their site. It would obey your thirst!

Guy4game is one of the most excellent wow gold providers for virtual currency in the world. We make our effort to provide the customer with the low-price, high-quality, and best-service world of warcraft gold. Own the wow gold; own your right to conquer the game world!

Guy4game delivery wow gold face to face, it uses a little delivery time, and Guy4game Safe Buy. Congratulations, it gets 100 points.

So, we can say, Guy4game is safe. I like both guy4game and Igxe!I bought goldmany years from,I'm satisfied with their low price, fast delivery, best service. Excellent!

Let's make your game life better. Guy4game, your best friend!

Let's make your game life better.Guy4game, your best friend!

Choose guy4game; choose our professional and safe service. Choose Guy4game:Price and quality guaranteed!

We have built our reputation by providing high quality world of warcraft gold service. Buy world of warcraft gold at a cheaper price but better service, Here is your preferred choice.

Do you dream of high-quality, low-price, and fast-delivery world of warcraft gold? Anything is possible! Just choose us. Welcome to our world of warcraft gold website! We are top of the WOW Gold market because we offer the best price and service to our WOW Gold buyers.

Our online WOW Gold store has huge amounts of WOW Gold in stock just for you. We are selling WOW Gold at an unimaginably low price! You don't have to bargain for the price since we have the cheapest price among the wow gold sellers, our price is unbeatable.

Start buying the cheapest WOW Gold from the leading wow gold provider. We provide golden service! 24/7 live for all your needs!We are glad to hear from you.We are a professional and reliable WOW Gold online store. Buy WOW Gold here. Don't miss out! Why do you still Act quickly! Cheers!