Thursday, June 30, 2011

Any suggestions?buy wow gold or not?

Any suggestions?buy wow gold or not?

Different people may have different views towards buying wow gold or not.Honestly speaking, there isnt a real utter way to prevent your account getting banned. But i can recommend you a wow gold website that can provide you a safe way to buy wow gold .

At least, i buy wow gold there for a very long time. and there is nothing happened to my account . I concerned more about my privacy and the transaction security before. But, my friends recommend me a trusted wow gold place.Then we together bought wow gold many years there. My information will never be abused or revealed to anyone else.It's totally safe wow gold store.Furthermore, I'm satisfied with their sincere service and professional manner!I trust it. Friend, if you can also have a try.

Hope i'v helped, best of luck!

Where you guys buy the cheapest and fast RS Free Trade Gold ?

Where you guys buy the cheapest and fast RS Free Trade Gold ?

Hi,friend,I bought 30M gold yesterday and got a 10% bonus gold.

RuneScape Free Trade has been reopened. Account and password are no longer required. They have adopted the face-to-face rs gold trade method. My runescape gold order was completed within one hour. Convenient and fast.

I 'v bought gold from there for 3 years with my friend. Why always choose there?

1.100% Reliable RS Gold Online Store.

2.Good Prices, Fast Delivery, Convenient RS Gold Shopping!

3.Customer Satisfaction, Integrity First, 24-hour Online RS Gold Service!

I'm satisfied with their sincere service and professional manner!I trust it. Friend, if you can also have a try.

Hope i'v helped, best of luck!

Wondering ,to buy some online wow gold ,or continue to farm the gold(WOW) by myself.Giving me some suggestion!Iam 58level

Wondering ,to buy some online wow gold ,or continue to farm the gold(WOW) by myself.Giving me some suggestion!Iam 58level

Yeah, making the wow gold by yourself in the game is quite easy .

But we have addmit that the speed is very slow , may take you a long time and your great patience!

If you do really plan to buy the gold from a online company , I suggest you to choose a safe and legal wow gold site , thus ,your account is very safe , no haceker can hack you!

My friends recommend me a trusted place. It's cheapest and safest wow gold! Then we together bought wow gold &items many years there. My information will never be abused or revealed to anyone else.It's totally safe. Furthermore, I'm satisfied with their sincere service and professional manner!I trust it.

I bought 50k world of warcraft gold yesterday Excited!!!! Friend, if you can also have a try. Seize the chance!

Hope i'v helped, best of luck!

Anyone here?What type of wow character is your favourite in world of warcraft?

Anyone here?What type of wow character is your favourite in world of warcraft?

I have leveled just about everything and I would say either a rogue, druid, or mage. But it's all personal preference. You may like casters, you may like tanks, or you might like healing. What's easiest is to try them all out for yourself.

i hear locks and hunters are pretty fun wow characters.but it really has more to do with how you want to play.. i like doing ranged dps so a mage is perfect for me.. my advice is to play around.. you can make more than one toon at a time so just play around and see what you like best and stick with it i started as a warrior and worked my way to finding out what i liked .. thats the best way to find out what you like personally.

References :

personal experiance , opinion , WoW addict

Help!!! help urgent!!What is the fastest way to make runescape goldingame?

Help!!! help urgent!!What is the fastest way to make runescape gold ingame?

Hi, buddy. I find the best and easiest methods to get RS Gold

1. First you need to log in to your runescape account.

2. Then go to the castle in Varrock

3. At the entrance there is guards, you can either kill them or you can wait for other people to kill them

4. The guards will drop grapes in pairs of 3 once in a while . Try to get your inventory full with grapes.

5. Once you have your invet. full go to the GE , and sell them. Make sure to lower the price to 590 or they probably wont sell RS Gold

6. If you repeat this you will get up to 100k RS Gold every 25 min or so

Honestly,these are just the basics of RS Gold making. Sometimes I found it's kinda boring and hard for me to keep doing dailies and things like that. Actually, I have bought some RS Gold for times because I didn't have much time really during my study. And it brought me a great of fun. Lol Fortunately, I didn't get hacked or banned by buy RS Gold so.

Personally I think the reason why I didn't get caught is that I chose a reliable site to purchase RS Gold . If you are interested in buy RS Gold, i would like to reommend u here.

Safest and Cheapest LVL85 WOW Accounts Hot Sale !

Safest and Cheapest LVL85 WOW Accounts Hot Sale !

I'm glad to tell u lvl85 is on hot sale now.It's safest,cheapest,fastest.Many friends satisfied with LVL85 WOW Accounts !

Why still hesitate?Join now! Have a try!

Be charmed and dazzled by our cheap wow gold!

Be charmed and dazzled by our cheap wow gold!

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Guy4game has the most reasonable world of warcraft gold price!

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Guy4Game Safe –Is Guy4Game Safe to Buy from?

We must choose the safe wow gold site. We all know safe is most important when we buy wow gold . Is Guy4Game Safe? If the wow gold or wow powerleveling service is not safe, although the price is cheap, we would lose all the money which we purchase. And our wow accounts maybe get banned.

Guy4game is best wow gold sites. Is Guy4Game Safe to buy from? Is Guy4Game Safe?

First, are credit card and other information safe?

I think it is most important thing, when we buy Guy4game wow gold or wow powerleveling service, they nearly know all of our information, for example, our telephone number, email, address and credit card, even our age and job. It is so astonished, but it is true, they all know. If someone gets our information, using our credit card to buy safe wow gold, it is very dangerous.

Luckily, Guy4game cares our information safely. They only send email to customers who want to receive, including Guy4game Coupon Code email. And they never contact with customers in game after wow gold instant delivery. For credit card wow gold information, only a few employees of them know, and they protect the information just like protect themselves. It is very safe.

So, on this point, it gets 100.

Second, is Guy4Game website safe ?

They have professional technology on website safe. So, when you purchase on their site, no worry about security. And until now, no customer said, they have some trouble on Guy4game.

So, on this point, it gets 100, too.

Third, are their wow gold service safe?

GUY4GAME delivery wow gold face to face, it uses a little delivery time, and Guy4Game Safe Buy. Congratulations, it gets 100 points.

So, we can say, Guy4Game is safe.